Chapter 3: I'll Be Your Midnight Fear

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Song for this chapter: Blind Date 101 - Make Me Famous

Lana's POV

I awoke to an annoying ringing noise somewhere in the distance. I covered my ears and groaned, turning my head into something soft. I opened my eyes slowly, the incessant ringing never stopped and sat up to see my legs were sprawled over Denis's chest and his head was lolled to the side, his mouth open with the occasional snore leaving it, apparently the ringing wasn't affecting him at all. After Emma left yesterday, Denis and I just watched TV all day, I tried to get him into The Vampire Diaries (which I think worked better than he'd like to admit) and then I showed him some British classics like Miranda and Outnumbered. He didn't get most of the humour, but he laughed at some of it.

I groaned and stood up, stretching until I heard my back crack and stumbled over to my ringing phone. "Hello?" I croaked.

"Thank god, it's only like the seventh time I've tried to call you," Lucy replied and you could practically hear the eye roll.

"Sorry, I was asleep," I laughed.

"I figured. Ben and I came in a couple of hours ago and tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't budge so we just decided to give up and ring you later on."

"Oh sorry," I mumbled, embarrassed she'd seen me in that state with Denis.

"No, it's cool. Anyway I'm just calling to let you know that Ben and I are going away for the week before he goes to London in two weeks so you'll have the apartment to yourself for a while."

"I'm pretty sure I'll have Denis all week since he's staying until he flies home to Ukraine next week to get his stuff." I chuckled.

"True, anyway I just wanted to tell you. See you soon!"

"Have fun Lucy, I love you!"

"I love you too, bye!" She said, the happiness evident in her voice and then hung up.

I heard a cough from behind me and whipped around to see Denis rubbing his eyes, I'd completely forgotten he was here. "Hi," He smiled softly once he saw me.

"Hey," I replied and bit my lip. "Sorry for waking you up again," I mumbled awkwardly.

"No, it's okay. I meant to speak to you actually, since everyone's going away except us next week, I was wondering if you wanted me to move my Ukraine trip to the week we go to London in two weeks time because then we can spend three days in London then fly to Ukraine and get everything I need and then fly back here."

"If that works best for you it'd be cool," I nodded. I was honestly quite shocked that he cared enough about me not being alone that he was willing to switch a bunch of his flights around and sacrifice his last week in his home country to stay with me instead.

"I'll change my flights now and make sure I get you booked too," He nodded and gave me a toothy grin.

"Thank you. Would you like a cup of tea?"

"You Brits and your tea," He teased.

"I have no response to that," I responded with a small chuckled.

"I will have vodka?" He raised an eyebrow hopefully.

"It's three in the afternoon, we've just woken up and you want vodka really?" I scoffed. "I'm having a cup of tea and coco pops, if you would like some you know where the kitchen is."

I sauntered off into the kitchen and put the kettle on to boil. I walked over to the iPod docking station and picked it up, selected Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape The Fate and then plugged it back in. I sang along softly as I made my tea, making one for Denis too, leaving the milk and sugar out for him and then walked to the bowl cupboard, which Ben made sure was one of the high ones since he thought I should have to 'work for my food.'

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