Chapter 2: Criticise Me, Throw Me Away, I Will Never Lose My Way

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Song for this chapter: I Will Never Lose My Way - Down & Dirty

Lana's POV

"A-M-E-R-I-C-A!" Lucy and I screamed as we danced around the kitchen, screaming along to Motionless In White songs at 8am.

"What the fuck?" A disheveled Ben exclaimed, running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I turned the music down slightly and gave him a sheepish smile. "Oops?"

"Oops? Fucking oops! It's like the middle of the night!" He groaned and held his head.

"The sun isn't out when it's the middle of the night," I laughed.

"Just hold off until twelve please?" He groaned. "And you," He said, turning to Lucy. "Come with me, I need a cuddle buddy." He smirked and held his hand out to her. She took it and they went back into his bedroom. I sighed, but decided not to wallow in self pity and instead eat.

"You know you're a great dancer," A deep, foreign voice said from behind me, a smirk shining through his words.

I jumped and put my hand on my heart. "Jesus Christ you scared me!" I exclaimed and shoved him back slightly while I tried to regulate my breathing.

"I'm sorry," He apologised, sounding genuinely concerned for my wellbeing and placed a hand on the small of my back.

"No, it's fine," I flashed him a smile to which he weakly returned, but concern still laced his face. I walked over to a stool at the breakfast bar and sat down. "It's my fault for waking you up anyway."

"No it's fine, I'm staying in a house with a rowdy, drunken, sex-addict rockstar, his best friend who's also a rowdy, loud rockstar and his girlfriend and her best friend who is also rowdy, loud and lives the rockstar life without being a rockstar, I expected no less. Apparently Ben did though," He laughed.

"Ben's hungover, if it was up to him he'd sleep forever," I laughed. "Are you going to go back to bed?" I asked noticing he yawned and his eyes were dropping slightly, it was rather adorable of I'm honest.

"No, you've been ditched so I may as well keep you company," He grinned.

I returned the grin and ran into the living room, shutting all the curtains that Lucy had opened and making sure no light was coming through. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked, returning to the kitchen to get the Doritos.

"Sure." He nodded then raised his eyebrow at me. "You're eating Doritos for breakfast?"

"It's the most important meal of the day and how wrong can you go on something that's covered in cheese? You're already starting your dairy intake!" I replied.

"I'm not sure it works that way."

"I'm this house it does. Take it or leave it," I shrugged and popped a Dorito in my mouth, crunching it loud for extra effect.

"Fine, but you have to share," He gave in reluctantly.

"No way, that whole cupboard there is full of Doritos help yourself," I scoffed and motioned to the cupboard full of Doritos. One thing he'll have to learn is that nobody in this band shares their food. It got to a point once where we used to spit in our food to make sure no one else touched it because Emma and Cam used to steal food when people's backs were turned.

He rolled his eyes, grabbed a bag labelled 'Cool Original' and followed me into the living room. I sat down one the couch and he sat next to me and a respectable distance. I flicked through Netflix and eventually chose 'The Seed Of Chucky'.

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