Chapter 8: All Things Come To Be Loved and Lost

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Song for this chapter: Candour - Neck Deep

Lana's POV

Ben has been gone for three weeks now. Lucy told me he's staying with her and he doesn't seem that mad anymore, but I'm sure she's just trying to make me feel better. I didn't bother explaining myself to her because I'm sure if she brought me up to him he would've shut her down instantly.

I spent the first couple of nights alone since Denis is in his own apartment now, only being accompanied by James and Sam occasionally when they weren't with Brandi and Brittney and Lucy a few times when Ben was asleep or shut away writing. Eventually I got tired of the constant loneliness and self pity and asked Denis to come and stay with me until Ben and I made up. He stayed in Ben's room for the first couple of nights due to the sheer awkwardness clinging onto the memory of the last time we'd spent the night together however eventually we gave in and he stayed in my bed with me.

I haven't been very motivated to do anything recently but Denis has been very accommodating, trying to get me out of bed as much as he can even if it's just for food or little trips to the supermarket, but on days where I really didn't wanna leave my room he made sure that I ate but other than that just lay with me for moral support. He even let me make him binge watch The Vampire Diaries.

"Oh come on! Damon is beautiful!" I exclaimed, a large smile on my face - one that I only seem to have around Denis.

My feelings for Denis have also got considerably stronger by the day. He's been a lot more careful about what he does or says which means a lot to me; I can tell he's trying really hard to prove he's different. He's still as touchy feely as before but it doesn't make me uncomfortable anymore, it's just a normal part of my day. He still makes fun of me when I blush, which happens disgustingly often. When Sam and James come round they constantly say we act like an overly fluffy couple which Denis gets just as embarrassed about. I haven't seen Cam since the argument with Emma, but we've texted a few times so I know we're okay he just doesn't want to leave Emma alone and he doesn't want her to get mad at him which I respect; he obviously likes her a lot and as mad as I am at her I don't want to get in the way of their relationship especially considering I've had support from all of the other guys.

"Oh come on. He's old!" Denis argued.

"He's beautiful!"

"I'm young, beautiful and sat right here." Denis feigned hurt.

"You're beautiful too," I humoured him and squished his cheeks. "But Damon!" I added after Denis gave me a satisfied smile.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed the TV remote, turning it off and ignoring my protests. "I want to do something that will have you focused on me not thirty something vampires," He pouted like a child.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked, but before he could answer the front door quietly opened. My heart flew into my throat as Denis and I glanced at each other quickly then both hopped off of my bed and carefully opened my door.

I snuck out first, Denis following and I listened carefully to hear the noise was coming from the living room. I crept down the stairs and opened the door just as someone went to walk out of it which in turn ended up in them walking into me and sending me falling to the floor at quite a force.

"Shit I'm sorry Lana," A voice I recognised all too well apologised hastily as they helped me up off of the floor.

"What are you doing here?" I asked softly, not so much angry at him as I was sad because I just really missed him.

"I um came to get my guitar to practice before the recording tomorrow because I left it here," He coughed awkwardly, obviously not planning on encountering me at all. "I thought you would've gone out or something." He admitted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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