An Apology, An Explanation and a Promise

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Okay first of all I'm really sorry for not updating, I've had exams, family drama, I've been involved with new friends, school has gotten really hard and time consuming and to be honest along with everything else every time I've sat down to write I've had no motivation and it's genuinely awful, but I'm getting there. My exams finish next Thursday and then I am focusing all my attention on writing, I write little bits here and there but I never get to write more than a few sentences before I physically feel like I can't anymore. So please bare with me and thank you to those who are.

Also I've been using Instagram and Twitter a lot more lately and I'd love to have more of you guys on there so please follow me! (Instagram: @rachelxhorror Twitter: @DVRKPVSSENGER)

Finally I have made a YouTube channel and will start uploading there soon and I'd love it if people could subscribe to me and give me a chance. If you wanna be awesome and do so here's the link:

Again, thank you for baring with me, I promise things are happening soon and I'm sorry it's been over three months since I last gave you guys a chapter. I love you!

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