Panda mask

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"What a slut time is. She screws everybody." ~John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

His fingers gently traced along Hoseok's jawline with a small content smile as the older hovered above him. Taehyung giggled softly, pinching the dancer's check and cooing "this is the best way to wake up oppa." Hoseok chuckled, leaning down to peck his nose "why do you keep calling me that?" Taehyung wrinkled his nose up as if he'd smelt something bad "you said I could call you any nickname I want!" Hoseok couldn't argue with him, he had said that so he huffed "I did say that didn't I? Well if you're gonna call me something that embarrassing, I've gotta come up with a pet name to." Hoseok smirked devilishly, earning a shiver from him as he stuttered "no fair! I don't call you that in front of other people! Well... At least not loud enough for them to hear.." Hoseok rolled off of his boyfriend, staring up at the ceiling "doesn't matter. I need a dirty nickname for you" Taehyung blushed "y-yah oppa is not dirty!" Hoseok rolled his eyes, mumbling under his breath "it sounds dirty the way you say it.." Then sitting up and stretching his long arms high above his head "big day today. My sister said she's flying in for a couple of days. Wanted to surprise me, so she didn't bother to tell me until last night on the phone" Hoseok huffed, ruffling his own hair and groaning in frustration. Taehyung sat up, wrapping his legs around Hoseok's waist from behind and clinging to the older's back like a koala "I want to meet your sister!! If she's anything like you I'm sure she'll love me to!" Hoseok chuckled nervously, sighing softly "I'm sure she will, but Tae? Don't tell her about us.. I want to tell her myself.." Taehyung let go of the older, frowning and scooting away "you haven't that we're dating?" Hoseok turned around to face him, smiling sadly "not yet.." Taehyung bit the corner of his lip, avoiding his lover's gaze "ok.. Well, I'll let you spend time with your sister today. I'll go hang out with Ji Soo" but before Hoseok could protest, Taehyung had rolled out of bed and scurried into the kitchen for breakfast.

The couple didn't really talk during breakfast, but Hoseok constantly flashed smiles at his boyfriend, only from him to return with small sad smiles. Taehyung finished his breakfast quickly, and hurried to the bathroom to empty his stomach, take his medicine, shower, and get ready for the day. When he emerged from the bathroom, Hoseok was patiently waiting on him with his own clothes to change into "Tae can we talk? Please? I don't want to fight like last time.." Taehyung merely nodded, and went to their room to wait. He wasn't really mad, just a little upset by the fact that Hoseok apparently hadn't told any of his family about their relationship. Was he ashamed? Taehyung didn't know, but it hurt because his family knew everything about his life, they even knew things Hoseok didn't know. He quickly shot his manager a text telling him he wanted to meet with the CEO later in the day, then texted Ji Soo and asked if her and her mother could meet him for coffee. However when the bedroom door opened, he quickly tucked his phone away in his pocket and stared at Hoseok expectantly "what did you want to talk about?" The older knelt down in front of Taehyung, hands resting on the younger's thighs "about earlier. I know what you're thinking, and I am not ashamed of you Kim Taehyung. Why would I be? You're my angel Tae, if I could tell the world how much I love you I would do it in a heartbeat." He squeezed the younger's thighs reassuringly and gazed up at him lovingly "my family will love you, I'm just not so sure how they'll react to me coming out as gay.." Taehyung nodded, cupping Hoseok's cheeks as the dancer stood up "I love you so much Hobi, how can you read my mind so easily?" He chuckled, earning a grin from Hoseok who leaned forward to kiss the younger briefly "I know you better than anyone else. That's how." Taehyung felt his heart ache at the statement, Hoseok didn't know him as well as he thought, because Taehyung was a liar. Luckily Hoseok leaned in to kiss him again, and he wrapped his arms around the back of his neck to pull him closer.

Sweet kisses later, Hoseok's phone rang, and he pulled away with a smirk "that's probably my sister.." Taehyung sighed, resting their foreheads together "she can wait one more minute." They both chuckled, closing their eyes to savor the moment. Hoseok's phone rang again, and he sighed in irritation, pulling away "moments like this are gonna be harder to come by for a while. The big concerts soon..." Taehyung nodded, grasping Hoseok's wrist before he could leave and randomly voicing out his thoughts "you know that story you told me?" Hoseok nodded unsurely as Taehyung continued "I want that happy ending. Marriage and kids I mean... One day." Hoseok smiled widely, kissing the crown of Taehyung's head and whispering "me to. I'll make it happen Tae. Pinky promise" then they wrapped their pinky fingers around each other's, smiling widely at each other before Hoseok's phone rang again "ok I've really gotta go now, she'll kill me if she has to wait at the airport alone for long. I'll see you tonight Angel" then he kissed Taehyung quickly, and rushed out of the dorm leaving Taehyung blushing from the nickname as he slipped his panda surgical mask on in a makeshift disguise.

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