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The wind blew harshly as all the keys were united in Lucy's hand. Aria's key glowed and formed a necklace which slipped itself in Lucy's neck. Erza staggered to her feet tired from the battle with Blaze but stood up straight. Juvia helped Gray as they looked up, Happy flew picking up Natsu as Carla looked up from Wendy's arms who was carried by Ray. Above the sky seemed to swirl up together. Lucy's eyes widened as a woman with long black hair and red eyes appeared, wearing a large kimono style dress. 

"W-Who is that," Juvia excalimed. 

Ray's eyes widened,"The true eclipse form"

"What!" everyone exclaimed. 

"Eclipse created its own form with all the energy obtained," Ray called out, not even sure where he got this information from.

"But how? She couldn't have just taken any form-"Juvia started. 

"Where's...Stella?" Wendy asked. Everyone looked up in realization, the woman's face a clear image of Stella's. 

"Come on summon Aria, or does she really think a simple human with some of her powers can stop me?" She called out. 

Lucy gritted her teeth drawing the sword at her side. Suddenly Natsu jumped in front of her "Fire Dragon Brilliant Flames"

The woman simply swung her arm and the fire stopped. Happy flew picking up Natsu and pulling him back.

"Sorry, Natsu but please don't" Happy exclaimed. Lucy ran and charged jumping up she swung her sword, the woman grabbed the blade and broke it sending Lucy backward. Gray and Juvia grabbed each other's hand ice and water appearing and charging at the woman. The woman swung her foot shattering the ice and brushed the water off. 

"What it made no effect!" Juvia exclaimed. Ray created a bow and arrow, drawing an arrow and aiming at Sella. Letting it go it flew, Wendy extended her hand making the air help the arrow go faster. Stella moved sideways the arrow missing her. Wendy's arm went limp as she looked disappointed. Ray looked at her reassuringly and faced Stella. "Damn it..."

Stella laughed, Lucy sat up biting her lip. "Why can't I stop her.."

Aria stood across Kari. "Okay, Kari let's try this once more. Remember it will be hard to control at first you'll get used to it. Try it"
Kari nodded drawing Aria's key. "Star Dress: Aria!"
Kari felt her clothes change and stood in Aria's battle armor. "Woah I look so cool!"
"I know I know, now come on draw the sword" Aria said.
Kari extended her hand drawing the sword.
"Good now, swing at me," Aria said. Kari looked at Aria bewildered "You're crazy"
"Come on Kari," Aria said. Kari swung the sword which Aria easily dodged without effort.
"It's about control and strength. But as well using your magic to help your moves. To little magic will weaken you, and too much will unbalance you" Aria said.

Lucy blinked. What was that? Slowly standing up she took a breath and pulled up the broken blade, "Erza!" Lucy called out, Erza was by her in an instant. "I know you're tired but we need you" Erza requiped and summon many swords.

"Got it," she said running and swung at the woman, the woman made a move to stop Erza but Erza dodged it and slammed her sword against the woman's arm. 

"So you used star dress... Quite a while since a Mage did that" she said, "But as if you will control this" 

"I can will" Lucy exclaimed. She felt Aria's power surging through her. I definitely will.

New cover! WOAH!! So cool! Lol not really...anyway... Sorry I has a writers block and couldn't make this chapter good..I tried though!

EDITED- 03/23/20

- It's true, I had a major writer's block towards the ending. 

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