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Aria and the team hiked into the mountains. Aria found Kemono leaning against the mountain wall, Aria lip trembled as she walked towards him and punched his gut. Kemono was beaten up enough, this blow would finish him. Kemono coughed before becoming limp. 

The figure began to glow, as the dark and eerie aura of Kemono disappeared, replaced by a gentle and strong looking individual who's red eyes were now amber. His wild black hair not neatly brushed back. As he lifted his head, Aria felt a pang of sadness, she had not seen him in a very long time. Yet, their reunion was quick and unpleasant.  

"Thanks, Aria," he said, a warm smile appeared on his face as he look at Aria's face. The glowing died down as Kemono disappeared and was replaced by a key. Ray stepped up and picked up the key, the key had a monster design. 

"Kemono, guardian of the celestial beasts and more. He takes care of most nikoras like Plue." Aria explained handing Lucy the key. Lucy grabbed the key and studied it. 

"We need to hurry. We've spent too much time here. It's more dangerous the longer we are," Aria said and continued walking.

As they started downwards on the other side of the mountain, Aria caught sight of a town. Aria looked at it curiously, not being able to recognize it.

"Um...Aria...has this always been here?" Wendy asked. Aria shrugged, "I'm pretty sure it wasn't" 

Natsu sniffed the air, "FOOD!" He exclaimed. 

"Aria, let's go please!" Happy pleaded. 

"Happy we don't have enough time, didn't you hear Aria say it's dangerous," Carla said. 

"Yes but I haven't eaten..." Happy said frowning "And I smell fish," he added with excitement. 

"Well, we do need to rest," Gray slowly said in agreement with the exceed.

"And..have been out here for a while" Lucy added, sheepishly smiling at Aria. 

Aria sighed, "One night," she then said. 

A cheer arose from Natsu and the gang as they raced down. Aria continued studying the town, still feeling unsettled. Ray joined her, looking down at the small area, "It's too suspicious I know" he said.

"A town...just here... But who?" Aria wondered, the two exchanged glances before continuing after the mages. 

Aria was walking with Wendy and the exceeds who were buying some supplies. Aria was surprised to see people casually here. Aria attempted to calm her nerves and followed Wendy. 

"Aria, your very strong," Wendy suddenly said. Aria looked at Wendy and crossed her arms "I don't really think so..." 

"But you took down two guardians" Happy chimed in. 

"Only thanks to Natsu, Gray, and Erza" Aria explained. Wendy smiled, "None the less, you have be capable of a lot."

Aria smiled lightly, "Well, I suppose we've all have," 

"Lucy we are back!" Aria called out as they entered the inn they were staying at. 

"Oh, good" Erza said walking out the kitchen. 

"Where's Natsu and Gray?" Aria asked. 

"They heard some commotion and wanted to see what's going on," Lucy said dryly.

"I'll go get them," Aria said, "And Ray?" She added

"Cooking," Erza said. Aria jumped and peeked through the window. She saw Ray stirring a pot while keeping an eye on two other pans. A warm and savory scent filled Aria's air. 

"He actually does" Aria gasped. Aria sweatdropped, Lucky kid, I still burn water.....

"I'm gonna get Natsu and Gray!" Aria exclaimed racing out the room.

"Where are those guys" Aria muttered walking past people. There was a loud cheer broke out in the town center. Aria speed-walked towards the crowd. She looked around to see what was happening when a large stage appeared suddenly. A figure emerged from the stage with long blond hair and ruby red eyes. The person's face was covered by a mask that matched the outfit. A large serpent appeared behind the person and hissed. 

"Welcome everyone to Rue's Freak Show. Where we take the mystical creatures hidden within the history of the celestial world and destroy it!" 

Aria's eyes widened, history of the celestial world? 

"Woah that's a pretty big serpent...but seen bigger" She heard Natsu say. She looked around and saw Natsu and Gray walking away from the crowd. 

"Natsu! Gray!" Aria exclaimed racing up to them. "Quick, to the inn!" 

"What why?" Natsu said, the two turning towards her. 

"That's... Sayo, water master and keeper of celestial history. The celestial guardian."

EDITED - 01/30/20

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