Chapter 16: All The Words In The World

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After about a week in the hospital Im definitley ready to go home. I still dont know how to cope with my situtation, I feel worthless, of no value. Why cant I have a good time in my life? Why does everything have to go wrong? I just want to feel normal again, although I havent felt normal in a very long time. Im not sure I even really know what normal feels like anymore.

I walk into the house and I have to admit it feels great being back home. I step into the kitchen and I have flashbacks of that night. No one knows where John went, when the police got there he was nowhere to be found. That really worries me, because if he came back once, what is stopping him from coming back a second time? Liam must of saw me staring into the kitchen because all of the sudden I feel his hand on my shoulder. 

"You must not allow yourself to dwell for any single moment on any kind of negative thought." Liam says looking at me and then walking away. Wow, that was amazing. But I just have one question....when the HELL did Liam become so philisophical? Zayn must be quite an influence. I just chuckle to myself and head to my room.

I walk in and fall onto my bed. I cry out in pain and remember my scar and all the pain of that day rushes back to me. The doctors prescribed me pain pills, but I refuse to take them. I dont want to become addicted, not many people know this about me, but my dad struggled with addiction for a long time. He got into a car accident when I was about ten and he had to quit work. He became addicted to pain pills and started to drink. He was a horrible drunk, he never hit me or my mom but you couldnt stand to be around him for very long. He was mean to everyone, so full of bitterness, what you would call a miserable drunk. When I was about thirteen he went to AA and ever since he hasnt touched a single drop. But because of that I wont drink alcohol or touch pain pills. I just dont want to chance it.

Many times when he was drunk I would just go to Liams house and stay the night. He has helped me a lot througout my life. I honestly dont know where I would be without Liam. Probably in a mental institution and I mean that with all seriousness. I hear a knock on my door and say come in. 

"Hey Aly" Niall and Hailee say walking in the room.

"Oh hey guys" I say sitting up in bed. 

"We just came to check up on you love and see how you were doing." Niall says smiling at me. 

"Well thanks guys. Im alright though, just in some pain." I say half smiling.

"Thats understandable hun. Youve been through a lot. How are the bruises?" Hailee says looking at me concerned.

I lift up my shirt and look at them. 

"They are healing slowly but surely." I say touching them and wincing. "Ill be fine guys, no need to fret."

I look up at Niall and see a look of pain on his face. I pull my shirt back down and get up from bed. 

"Im gonna take a nap guys. Thanks for checking up on me. Love you guys." I say giving them hugs. 

"We love you too Aly. Sleep well. And if you need anything just let us know." Niall says. 

"Thanks" I say and smile at them tiredly. 

They walk out the door and I get into bed. I turn over on my side and fall asleep thinking about Harry. 


God those bruises are fucking horrible and seeing her scar infuriates me. What that fucking bastard did is unforgivable. How could someone do that to Aly? She is such a nice girl and doesnt deserve such treatment. No girl does.

Im not usually one to get mad easily, but when it comes to the people I care about it doesnt take much. I walk into our room and lay down on the bed and think. I hear the door open and see Hailee walk in. 

A Bruised Heart And A Broken Smile ***IN EDITING***Where stories live. Discover now