Chapter 28: Don't Let It Hold You Back

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Its been about a month and this whole media thing is really affecting me. I dont like it at all, they spread lies and I really dont like seeing myself on TV and its really a mess. Liam is still telling me I shouldn't care but that's easier said than done. In other news my tattoo is finally healed and Harry is definitely taking advantage of that if you get what I mean haha. Harry is so amazing he really is, I honestly never thought I would be in a relationship this soon and it be this right. Also, I haven't gotten anymore threats or texts or anything like that from John, hopefully he has backed off but that's very unlikely. I try not to think about it though, it ends up just stressing me out.

"Hey baby." Harry says into my ear as he comes up behind me placing his hands on my hips.

"Hi Harry." I say nervous with his touch.

"Lets see that tattoo again." He says unbuttoning my shorts.

"Jeez Harry, just cant keep your hands off can you?" I say turning around to face him.

"Mmm no I cant." He says smirking and yanking my shorts down causing me to gasp.

We start to make out and he is such an amazing kisser, it still amazes me. I run my fingers through his hair, I love doing this for two reasons, I love his curls and it turns him on.

"Harry, it has to be quick. We have things to do." I say through kisses.

"Got it." he says taking off my shirt and bra at the same time and tossing them to the side. He begins kissing me everywhere all the while taking off his clothes too. I run my hands down his torso feeling his tanned body, running my fingers over his tattoos. He pushes me onto the bed and begins to kiss my tattoo and then climbs on top of me. He then enters me making me moan in pleasure. Again if I've not mentioned before he is very good in bed, its the best sex I've ever had, but that's only comparing to John. And sometimes I enjoyed sex with John but that was early on in our relationship, but mostly sex was for him and him alone. We finish and hop in the shower together, we always do that now. I find it very sexy and of course so does he. So all my stuff I transferred to Harry's room, and I really like it this way. I go to our closet to grab some clothes, and instantly I'm overwhelmed by the smell of cologne. But its not Harry's, it smells so familiar but I just cant place where I know it from. I just shrug it off, I mean what could it possibly be? I grab my gray, white, and pink MTV t-shirt and then from a shelf I grab a pair of white denim shorts. Harry loves it when I wear these shorts I guess. Just then Harry comes out of the bathroom in only a towel and he looks amaaaazing. I go up and hug him, not caring if my shirt gets wet. I lay my head on his broad, muscular chest and he wraps his arms around me.

"Everything alright baby?" He asks sounding concerned.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just love you. And even though this scar is so ugly and- " I say until he interrupts me.

"Hey, I dont want to hear talk like that. You deserve the best and if you think the best is me, then great, though id have to disagree. But you Aly, you are the most beautiful person I have ever known. You have the biggest heart despite what you have been through and I respect and admire the hell out of that. I know you are self-conscious about your scar, and what the scar symbolizes. But dont let it hold you back, and if we are still together years from now, if I'm lucky enough to have you that long, maybe one day we can adopt or you know have a bunch of cats and live happily ever after. Either way works, as long as I can wake up next to you every morning I dont care where we are or what we have. As long as I have you, I will never EVER need anything else in this world nor will I want it. I love you too baby. More than I could ever describe to you. Okay?"

I just look at him and a tear rolls down my face, he really is so beautiful. And I feel so so lucky, like God has given me another chance at life.

"Alright." I say looking into his gorgeous green eyes.

He wipes the tear from my face and kisses me grabbing my face and pulling me to him. It lasts for a bit before our lips part and I smile at him.

We walk out into the living room all the while I can feel Harry's eyes peering at my backside and honestly I do like it. Taunting him I mean. I find it hilarious.

"Jeez Harry, you enjoying the view?" Zayn says laughing at Harry.

"Shut up." Harry says pushing Zayn playfully, embarrassed he was caught.

"Its okay, it is partly his." I say winking and sitting on the couch next to Liam.

"Well hey Alykins." He says wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I lean my head on him and give him a hug.

I look around and I dont see Niall or Hailee.

"Wheres Niall and Hailee?"

"Hailee went to the mall to get something and Niall is in his room, he hasn't come out all day." Liam says.

"I'm going to go check on him." I say getting up.

I knock on Niall's door but I dont hear anything so I just walk in. I see Niall sitting down looking at the computer tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Oh Niall hun whats wrong?" I say running up and sitting next to him.

"Just...people. They are bashing on Hailee. Saying I shouldn't be with her and death threats. And then there are some that say she is too good for me and that I'm ugly. I just cant take it Aly, these people say that they are my fans but they aren't. Why cant they just let me be happy?" He says all in one breath.

"Oh Niall, dont listen to them. They just are unhappy people that need something to hate on. Like Katt Williams said: 'Let haters hate, its what they do, its they job.' " I say in a horrible gangster accent, trying to make Niall laugh.

"Haha that's a good one. I dont know, we do all we can for our fans and then we get shit like this." he says pointing to the computer.

"I know Niall, but think about it this way. You cant please everyone, just be happy with the fans you have that will be happy for you no matter what you are doing and who you are dating and what not. Just focus on Hailee and your family, like me and Harry and the rest of the guys. We love you, I love you, you are like a brother to me. Im so glad to have you as a great friend Niall, and I know Hailee is happy to have you in her life. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Okay Nialler?" I say trying to comfort him.

"Thanks Aly, that really helped. I'm going to get off of twitter for now." he says closing his laptop and then hugging me.

His hug is great, I'm an only child and now its like I have 4 brothers, a sister of course, and an amazing guy. I'm finally realizing how lucky I really am. Its honestly like a dream come true.

A Bruised Heart And A Broken Smile ***IN EDITING***Where stories live. Discover now