Chapter 19: You Girls Take Forever

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Its about 2am and I hear a tapping on my window. I figure its probably a bird or something so I get up to shoo it away. I go to the window and I dont see a bird but sitting on the window sill is a picture. I open my window and pick it up, its a photo of me from yesterday when I was at the mall with Hailee.

What the fuck, I knew someone was following us...but who? Should I tell anyone? This could just be the paparazzi, I mean I am living with One Direction. Yea thats what it is, just some creep paparazzi. I put the picture in my desk drawer and crawl back into bed. 


I wake up in the morning still a little creeped out by what I found last night. But I wont tell anyone, because then Hailee will freak out and Harry would Im sure become overprotective and that would just piss me off. And like I said, there is a 95% chance its just the paparazzi.

I walk out into the kitchen and I see Harry sitting there reading the newspaper, thats amusing haha. I mean who reads the newspaper anymore? Apparently Harry Styles. I sit down next to him and he puts the newspaper down and turns to face me.

"So how about that coffee?" he says smiling at me.

God that smile is amazing.

"Um yea, that sounds good." I say smiling back. "Im gonna go get ready."

"Oh my you look fine." he says laughing.

"Oh goodness no, I couldnt go out like this. I dont want to scare people." 

"Haha okay, if you say so." he says smirking and going back to his paper.

I get up, head to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Afterwards I go to my room and pick out a strapless blue dress with a tan belt around the waist. I find some brown boots and I just leave my hair down. I put on some makeup and look at myself in the mirror. I know this isnt a date, we are just going as friends, but im still nervous.

I walk out into the kitchen and Harry is leaning up against the counter with one foot crossed over the other and his arms crossed against his chest, with of course that smirk of his plastered on his face. 

"What?" I say defensivley

"You girls take forever, but wow you look great." he says smiling at me.

"Haha thanks, you look nice too." 

We get into the car and head to the nearest Starbucks. Of course everyone recognizes him and he signs a few autographs. How sweet huh? We go up to the counter and order our drinks. I take out my wallet, but Harry touches my hand signaling that he was gonna pay. As soon as he touched me my heart fluttered and I felt out of breath. We take our seats and at first we dont say anything. For this just being a "just as friends" endeavor, it feels a lot like one of those awkward first dates. 

"So tell me about yourself Aly." He says taking a sip of his coffee.

"Oh um, well I come from Wolverhampton as you know." I say feeling dumb as soon as I said it. 

"Haha yea, Liam would talk about you all the time." 

"Oh well, what do you want to know?" I say looking at him puzzled.

"Tell me about your family, your interests, favorite color things of that nature."

I really didnt know how to answer this because Ive never had a guy so interested in me. Not like that anyways. Most just want to get in my pants and thats the end of it.  

"Oh well my mums name is Grace and my dads is Henry. Erm, my favorite color is green and I love cats. My middle name is Brielle erm, are you sure you really want to know these things? Its quite boring."

"No its not. I find this all very interesting." he says sincerely.

"Well thanks. I-"

At that moment his phone starts ringing. He looks down, and gets an annoyed look on his face. 

"Aly im so sorry. Its Simon, I need to take this. Ill be right back." He tells me as he gets up and heads outside.

I guess thats the life of a superstar. It doesnt bother me any, I understand. I take a pen out of my purse and grab a napkin and begin drawing. All of the sudden I can feel someone behind me.

"Well hello beautiful" an eery voice whispers in my ear.

I turn around but I dont see anyone. I look back at the table and there is a folded piece of paper laying next to my coffee. I look around once more, honestly freaked out. I open it with shaky hands.

-Well I see you have moved on fast. But really, him? Haha. Just keep in mind im watching.

I can feel my heart racing, first the mall, then the picture. Now this. All of the sudden I feel dizzy, like I could pass out.  Right then Harry returns.

"Hey love im sorry about that." He says sitting back down.

"Um Harry Im not feeling too good. Will you take me home." I say panicked.

"Are you alright?" He says getting up and coming over to me.

"Yea yea, I just wanna get home." I say getting up and pushing past him.

I get in the car and close the door. I feel like crying, Im so scared. Harry gets in and starts the engine, and drives off. 

"Aly, what happened?" he asks reaching over to touch my shoulder

"Nothing, just take me home." I say moving away from him.

We dont speak to each other the entire way home. Once we pull into the driveway I immediatley jump out and run inside. 

"Oh hey Aly" Zayn says to me when I make it to the living room.

I dont say anything back. I just go into my room and shut the door.

A Bruised Heart And A Broken Smile ***IN EDITING***Where stories live. Discover now