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So if you, like me, have had your life ruined by the adorable game that is Tunnel Town, I have a simple cheat that I myself discovered! Yes, me!

So go into your game. Plant whatever food you like in all your slots, preferably ones that take a few hours. The only ones I've tried with are strawberries so far. If you like, you can also breed bunnies that usually take a while. Go off the app, into settings >> general >> date & time. Change it to exactly seven hours later that the actual time. Go back into tunnel town; everything should be the same. Go back to settings and change the time back to what it was. Your crops are instantly grown, your bunnies are bred and 1000 gems are added to you.

I recommend doing this only 4-5 times a day, because you can lose game data if you do it too much.

Happy Tunnelling!

Wow I sound like a blogger -_-

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