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"You're going to grow up to be such a good man! I can't wait to see you grow in the years! I love you son." 

Thats what my mother used to tell me everyday, my father  used to follow along with; 'Thats right dear, we have been blessed with such a boy like this!'.

 That's all I can remember, I don't even know my REAL name, I guess you can say I've been blessed with a curse.

 Blessed with where I am now, who I have become; someone who could save all of Oz one day, avenge my mom and dad, the people I have loved, and others I can't remember. But also cursed, for why I have become this person.

 Sure, I don't remember EVERYTHING, but maybe it's for the best. 

                                                      maybe I shouldn't know in the first place

But then again, screw it.

I was born in a village....

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