Nox's past PT 4.5

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Ok first of all, 

Lately I have been bingeing the internet for bookish things, and I have stumbled upon really adorable soaps that smell like book characters! (ex. Rhysand from ACOMAF <3) And I really want some!

But the problem is, THERE IS NO NOX! What? Um. Excuse me? Nuh. No. There has to be. 

And I dont know if I didnt look hard enough but there just WASNT ANY NOX SOAPS THAT SMELLED LIKE SANDALWOOD! 

Also Im back from my vacation! Yay more writing!!

Thanks for listening to my rant, now lets start this fanfic.


They were here already. 

After months and months of worrying to know when my life would end, now its over. I dont have to worry because I already know I'm dead with a body thats surviving. 

My father was the most pale I'd ever seen, or never imagined how deathly pale he could be. And my mother, she just looked like a corpse without a soul. These images haunted me day and night after their deaths, until I just started to forget what they looked like, and who they were at all.

All of the residents in our village came out just to see all the commotion, but as soon as one pulled out a knife, it was bloody chaos.

By the time there was death just by one blow, something snapped inside of me. It felt like I was tugging on a rope of reality, like there was something missing, something I wasn't getting, receiving. And I opened my soul to the light. This wasn't okay. It wasn't okay in the first place, they all knew that, but something was different this time. I felt like a different person, and from that point on I WAS a whole new person entirely.

I had a sudden urge for me to let go of my worries and stand up, fight. Am I sick? What was happening to me, why was I being such a traitor? No one has ever fought back, no one ever has thought to. Maybe this is the end, say good bye, Hell is waiting.

No, said my soul. You are not a traitor, you see what is happening around you and it is not good, and you can do something about it, you NEED to do something about it. You are not a screwy pathetic boy anymore, and you are going to do something.

I will fight back.

From that point on, I was new.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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