Nox PT 2.5

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Years past... Many years, past.

I can't really recall, but possibly around the age of almost a young adult, she came.

We heard what had happened throughout the years, violence, spreading through Oz like a heavy thunderstorm, seeping through every crack and crevasse, like a spiral leading to our deaths. Hunting, and hunting, just for us. Like she wanted, NEEDED, something. Something to hold on to. Something she could toy with in her own hands, and use it, on us. Except what she was holding on to, was nothing much than us. Like she needed this power, this power from Hell. Reigning up from the shadows, in the light of the fire of Hell.

But why, why, would this sweet innocent farm girl we used to know, do something so horrible and traitorous? Why would she whip us from our knees, us, what used to be her friends. What happened to  the Scarecrow? What happened to the Lion? And the Tin Woodman? They were different too. They helped her, helped her rise up against their own people. 

So many questions, yet no answers. No answers anyone could know. 

She broke through village upon village, killing upon killing, seeking for what we didn't have. Magic. Why did she want this? Magic, the Emerald City already had it all. Magic, which she was craving for more and more, of what she couldn't, shouldn't have. What she didn't need.

Thats when she came to our own village, and my home.


Hey guys! 

I know, I'm so inactive. :(

Forgive me loves. 

But,,,, now school is out so I can finally work on this more! Woohoo!!

Also, I am having a CONTEST! Go check it out I posted the instructions and rules and THE PRIZE!!

You don't want to miss it out! And you shouldn't miss any of my other works too! Feel free to click the follow button! Its free ;)

Byeee for now -emilybooklover9

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