Nox's Past PT 2

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All the village children heard about it, they gossiped with their friends.

I really didn't have anyone to talk to about it except my parents, (let me re-phrase) my mom. My dad has always not enjoyed talking about anything related to the Other Place, I never knew why, I just knew. I once made the mistake of asking him about what it was, and why Dorothy could come over here, but he just told me 'This isn't what you need to be thinking about, go focus on school, don't play with the warlocks in the village.'

So I decided to ask mom about it, at least she would answer me.



"Why is Dorothy back"

She paused. Stunned at my random question.

"Why do you ask this? You know your father doesn't like you to talk like this.. Why don't you go play?"

"But mom, father isn't here. Okay well never mind."

So this is what it has come to? I thought. No one could answer my questions anymore? 

I wasn't going to argue with my mother, her being never the one to argue with.

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