Nox's Past PT 1.5

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My mother had short black hair, it was wild and 'untamed'  as if she fixed it that way, it sometimes would go different directions but still was straight, my hair is just like hers. (Mine does have a small lock in the front that is green because of a ink can spraying accident, but the rest is a fine black) My father was a bit muscular and had dark hair as well, but not as wild as me and mom. 

I loved my parents, they were my best friends. They gave me as much attention as they could, and cheered on my ideas. My dad always made the funniest jokes and stories for me and my mother. 

My father  was tall and had dark eyes. He was always realistic, while still having a good sense of humor.

And then there was me. I was a bit tall for my age as a child, and had bright gray eyes. I was inspired by everything around me, aspired to be someone great. 

But Dorothy came, again.

I had heard of her before, in a tale I heard at school, of Dorothy the witchslayer from the Other Place. She was a hero, OUR hero. All of Oz owed it to her.

But this time she was different.



Do you guys like it so far?! This is just the beginning and I hope for it to be a long series-thing that really intrigues you guys! 

Have any suggestions? I would love to hear them! Comment and I will reply as soon as I possibly can! 

Love you all! -emilybooklover9

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