Nox's Past PT 1

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I was born in a village.

It was a pretty nice one too, we had magic everywhere, no I mean LITERALLY everywhere; magic surrounded where we walked, talked, etc. I mean its Oz, what do you expect? The village was small, there where about 8 families living there, including mine. 

I lived with my mother and father, we had a small home made of wood; freshly off of a magical tree with just a tap, stones; bounced from the ground with just a gentle stomp and fine magic from  Ozma, the rightful queen. Ozma had blessed every home with help of her fairies to enchant them just enough to benefit the villagers to soon live inside it. 

I remember there were no other kids in the village, it was just me to my advantage I guess? Anyways, i remember sometimes hoping another child could come in to our village too, but I didn't complain about it, because my bestest friends were my family.

My mother and father got along very well, they never fought and were loving to one another and celebrated everything my mother saw as a blessing. She was a joy, and she (and me) were all my dad had. I can't remember it very well but my father was different, he just was, and I don't know why but me and mom were his only family, all he had. 



Hi guys! Thanks for reading part 1 ! (yay!!) I hope you enjoyed it, there were a few twists in there I hope you recognized (hmm?!)  ;) Anyways! Please, I am always free to your suggestions, so if you have any leave them in the comments! Also is it just me or is it just me, because I feel like these are a bit too SHORT!! Do you agree? I love leaving them with some-sort of "cliffhanger" (hehe I'm evil like that) because whenever books do that I'm just like 'OMG WAIT WHAAAAT I GOTTA FIGURE THIS OUT' .

So because of the short-ness I will DEFINITELY be making these longer than the originally planned 5 parts! (you know, maybe 6 parts instead... Just kidding!!)                

Thanks for reading!  -emilybooklover9


Whats wrong with Nox's dad? 

Why does Nox happen to be the only child in the village? 

Why is being the only child an advantage? 

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