Nox's Past PT 3

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She was coming, she was very close. 

Currently, as she was headed toward my village to murder us all, she had already slaughtered about 1/3 of our population. Going through town to town, village to village, digging harder each time for more of what she wanted and craved for. More of what she didn't have. Magic, magic that none of us had. Magic, that we shouldn't have, that only witches and wizards had, but now she had some. The plain fact that even us villagers didn't have the ability should already clue her, if it could kill us, it would murder her in her own sleeping breaths. She couldn't control the addiction of the dark magic she was tapping into as it fed her death each time. She murdered for more. Death of innocents, for her own kind of death, slowly coming upon her and killing her as she didn't realize it. Some relatives and friends have died. Slaughtered and killed by the Kansas queen herself, Dorothy. And I was next. Everyone I loved, knew, and cared for was about to die, including me. 

And she wasn't alone. 

There behind her was no other than her used-to-be, innocent friends and allies. Whom we all now feared. The Scarecrow, who used to be our companion when looking for the right cob to pick, everyone who went to his field didn't just come to get corn, but also to talk to him. What he didn't realize is that we were fascinated by him, astound at what he actually knew for some hay in a knit bag. He was definitely stupid and a bit pathetic, but he had kindness some would kill they're own selves for if they could. Kindness that was rare, and that you couldn't see in a person unless you dug deep. It was the kindness everyone aspired for. The Tin Woodman, the creep. Used to have an old soul, the one when you could just sit in silence and still smile at. The one that would be there for you for the rest of your own days. With a heart, that he wanted for years, turned to be rotten and cruel. Now only for being a hooligan slave for the one who haunted us all. The Lion. The beast we all feared even before he was courageous, for him being the beast he already was. We couldn't afford being eaten at the time, now it could be our only choice, quite possibly. There wasn't any heroes left in my book. And worst of them three, Glinda. The witch, liar, cheater, villain. She could have been worst of them all, maybe.

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