Part 1

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Colson’s P.O.V

I get hit on the head with what I think was a pillow so I opened my eyes to see what it was.

Slim: Kells, yo Kells wake up we have to go to the meeting.

Colson: What meeting?

Slim: The one we go to pick out the new tour manager.

Colson: What time is it?

Slim: Like 7:30

Colson: It is too damn early to wake up just to go to a meeting.

Slim: Oh shut up bitch. Get up and get dressed

Colson: Man give me a minute I’ll be right down.

Slim: Man just hurry up we’re already late.

 Slime goes down to the living room and I try to find something clean to wear. I put on my ripped black jeans and a black tee with a white skull on the front tee. I put my all black chucks on. I put my EST 19XX bandanna around my head and put my hair up in a mohawk then head down to the living room.

Colson: Let’s go.

Slim: Thank god I thought I was going to die waiting for you to get ready.

Colson: Man shut the fuck up.

 They get in to Slim’s car and head to my managers office. When we get to the office we see my manager and walk up to him.

Colson: So what is it I have to do today?

Manager: OK there are two people that are fit for the job. So you have to pick one.

Colson: OK let’s go I have better things to do.

 So we walk in to my manager’s office and the first guy is already waiting for us. Man this guy sucked. He was some old boring asshole my manager asked him some questions and after he answered them the guy left.

Manager: So what do you think?

Colson: I fucking hate him next one better be good.

Manager: Well the next on is not as qualified as he is.

Colson: As long as his not an old boring man then I’m happy.

 We waited for the next guy to walk in when I heard footsteps and look up. That was not what I was waiting to come through the door, damn thank god she did, but there was one weird thing. We had the same clothes on, and let me say it looked a lot better on her then it did on me that was for sure.

Slim: Bro you two are wearing the same outfit that’s dope.

Colson: OK now that I know we have the same taste in clothes. What’s your name?

Girl: Well my name is Mary Jane Da Costa, but everyone calls me Jane

Colson: That’s a dope ass name.

Jane: Thanks

Colson: What is it Spanish?

Jane: No it’s Portuguese.

Colson: Nice

  As my manager talks to her about boring things that I really don't want to know. I sat there staring at her looking at every part of her body. She was about 6'1 so I was still taller then her, she had a lot of tattoos almost as much as me but I can't really tell if she has any under her cloths. She had brown hair.  

 After she finishes talking to my manager we have to go outside to talk about how was going to get the job.

Manager: So who do you like most?

Colson: While I hated the first guy, and I think Jane is perfect for the job.

Manager: Were you even listening to the questions I was asking.

Colson: No, but I like to take risks and I want Mary Jane for my tour manager.

Manager: It’s your choice. So let’s go give her the good news.

 We walk in to the room were Jane was and I get to give her the good news.

Colson: So I’ve been thinking and I wasn’t you as my tour manager.

Jane: Oh my god. Thank you so much I really needed this job.

 She gets up out of her chair and gives me a hug. I hugged her back.

Colson: OK so my manager here is going to talk to you about the boring stuff and I’m going to go back to sleep. See you on tour.

Jane: It was nice meeting you.

Colson: You too.

 We leave the place and go to the car. Slim was driving because I don’t have my license, but only two more months until those fuckers give it back. I hate the police.

Slim: Oh my god Kells.

Colson: I know!

Slim: Man she’s you with boobs.

Colson: No she’s way hotter than me and she has way more hair. Oh but her tattoos were sick as fuck and us wearing the same outfit was creepy.

Slim: Yeah that was scary, but if you don’t hit that I will.

Colson: Oh don’t worry I will hit that multiple times.

Slim: I’m just saying if you don’t I will.

  So two months have passed and lately all I think about is leaving for this tour I love being on tour but this time it’s different. This time I was on tour for 95 days and I only get one day off. At least this time I get some nice eye candy to look at since she has to fallow me everywhere.

  It was the night before the tour and I was packing my bags when I got a text from an unknown number.

“Hope you’re as pumped for the tour as I am. Can’t wait to get to know you better –Jane”

As I was reading the text slim walked in to the room and sees that I was smiling like an idiot at my phone.

Slim: Who you get a naked pic from?

Colson: No one

Slim: Then why the fuck you smiling?

Colson: I just got a text from Jane

Slim: Let me read it.

He read it and was like

Slim: Oh that’s just her being nice

Colson: Did you get a text from her?

Slim: No

Colson: Then she wasn’t trying to be nice.

Slim: Boy stop dreaming. She was trying to be nice to her new boss.

Colson: Whatever. So what time is it man?

Slim: Like 10 why?

Colson: Shit we have to go sleep.

Slim: Why?

Colson: Because we got to be awake at 4:00 to get ready and be done by 4:30 because Jane is coming to pick us up to take us to the tour bus.

Slim: Good night man and stop trippen you sound like you've been drinking 30 red bulls.

Colson: Good night. 


Hope you guys like my first story and plz give me feedback. 

Thanks for reading. 

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