Part 8

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Colson's P.O.V

 The bus came to a stop and we all walked out with are bags in hand.

Jane: OK guys I already have the room keys, but unfortunately we only have two rooms this time so we have to pair up.

Slim: I'm with Rookie.

Rookie: Sounds good to me.

Jane: OK, so it looks like it's me and Kells in the other room.

Colson: Looks like it.

Jane: OK so you two get room 144 and we're in room 146, so we're right next to each other.

Slim: I'm going to need some ear plugs if I want to sleep tonight.

  We all walk in to the hotel and get in the elevator, and go up to the sixth floor. We walked through the long hallways of the hotel until we reach room 144.

Colson: Yo! Why don't we all hang out in my room for a bit?

Rookie: sounds good to me.

Slim: sounds good but let me put my bags away first.

 Slim opens his room door and Rookie follows him in. We walk in to are room and the first thing I see is that there's only one bed.

 About five minute later Slim and Rookie walk in to the room.

Colson: Yo does you room only have one bed too?

Slim: No, are room has two beds.

Jane: I asked for two beds in each room I guess they forgot.

  I sat on a chair that was next to the bed and Slim and Rookie were on the sofa that they had in the room. Jane went to go change her clothes.

Slim: Why is that girl always changing her clothes?

Rookie: I have no clue but I don't blame her, did you see how tight here pants where?

Colson: Yes!! She has one sexy ass!

Jane comes out the bathroom in basketball shorts and a tight t-shirt.

Jane: That's because my ass is fat.

Slim: Well at least you admit to it.

Jane: I eat like a pig and it all goes to my ass.

Colson: All this ass talk is making me want to get high.

Slim: Roll one up!

Colson: I can't.

Slim: Why not?

Colson: Because I hurt my hand on stage.

Slim: You're just saying that so you don't have to roll it I know you to well for that to work on me Kells.

Colson: You never roll it up.

Slim: Well it looks like we're not gonna get high because I ain't rolling it up.

Jane: Oh Lord stop fighting I'll roll it up if you two just shut up.

Colson: Do you know how to?

Jane: Just give me the stuff

 I give her the weed I had along with the filter and the pack of rolling paper. She walks in to the bathroom and comes out a couple minutes later with two joints in her hand.

She gives one to Slim and lights the other one, then blows the smoke in to my face and gives me the joint.

Rookie: I'm bored as fuck.

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