Part 6

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Colson's P.O.V

Colson: Man I don’t know.

Slim: We have to try.

Colson: But what if she says no?

Slim: Man, we have to try to get her on stage or you’re going to do a 2 hour 45 minute show and fuck your voice up.

Colson: And how are we going to do that?

Slim: We? No you.

Rookie: Who are you two talking about?

Slim: Jane stupid. 

Rookie: OK, well try telling her the truth. 

Slim: Yeah try telling her the truth, because we can’t just trough the girl on stage with a guitar and hope she sings for 45 minutes. 

Colson: OK see you two in a couple of minutes. 

 I leave and go looking for Jane. I found her on stage talking to the sound guy Alex about the sound of Slim’s mic.

Colson: Um, Jane can I talk to you? 

Jane: Yeah, just give me a minute. OK, Alex if you fix that everything else sounds good.

She gets off stage and comes up to me. I tell her we have to go to the green room and she fallows me there.

Jane: So what's wrong?

Colson: OK I really need you to do something for me.

Jane: What is it?

Colson: Um, OK so are opening act, you know Ace.

Jane: What about him? 

Colson: Um, he got in to a car crash and won’t make it to the show tonight.

Jane: So we need an opening act?

Colson: Yeah, I was wondering if you could open for us.

 She didn't answer me, she just stood there looking at me. It was kind of scary the way her eyes didn't move it was like she was in a staring contest with my chest.

Colson: So? 

Jane: No, I can't do that. I'm sorry Kells but I just can't.

Colson: Why not?

Jane: Because I choke up when I'm on a stage.

Colson: Come on Jane please.

Jane: I'm sorry I just can't do it.

Colson: What if I were to go on stage with you?

Jane: And how long would I have to be on stage for?

Colson: At least 45 minutes.

Jane: Oh my God! I can't do that Kells. I just can't.

Colson: Come on Jane  please, do it for my voice.

Jane: Ok I'll try but someone has to be on stage.

Colson: We'll all be there me, Slim, Rookie and the other guys.

 I call Slim and Rookie in to the green room so they could help us out with making Jane’s set list. They came in and sat next to us on the floor.

Colson: Ok, so what songs do you know how to play?

Jane: Anything with a beat.

Slim: Well that helped out allot didn't it.

Rookie: Why don't you play something everyone can sing along to.

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