Part 5

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The next morning we all head to sound check and I went to the greenroom to get some food. Jane and Ash were there talking about weird girly shit.

After sound check I go looking for everyone and I found them in the greenroom.

Colson: What y'all up to?

Slim had his mouth full of food.

Slim: What do you think?

Colson: Yo man, save some of that for me.

Jane: Yo guys we have like five hours before the show, what you guys want to do?

Colson: Lets get drunk!!

Slim: Yo, lets play that game we used to play back in the day.

Colson: I don't think we have enough bottles for that.

Jane: What's the game?

Colson: OK, so some one asks a question and if you've done it you take a shot and if you haven't you don't. Who's down?

Jane: Sound good to me.

Dre: I'm down.

Rookie: Same here.

Colson: No, you have to be 21 or over to play.

Rookie: Man you're gonna play me like that?

Colson: Kid I'm just messing with you.

Dubo:I'm down to get drunk.

Slim: Y'all know I'm down.

Ash: I can't drink. I took a pill for a headache i had.

Colson: Fine you ask the questions.

I get up and go to a table were there were all different types of bottles and came back with shot glasses and 6 different bottles of alcohol.

Colson: Ok, Ash first question.

Ash: Ok, Um, Who has had sex in public?

Me, Slim, Dubo and Jane take a shoot.

Ash: Explain where!

Colson: Ok, a staircase at a venue, a parking lot, at the park, on the beach, in the club and on stage.

Dubo: In a club bathroom, on the beach and at a park.

Jane: Ok um, I've done it at a park, in someones backyard, at the beach, at the club,in an ally and in an elevaitor.

Rookie: And here I am thinking I'm a badass for doing it in the kitchen.

Ash: OK! So next question. Who has had a threesome?

I was the only one to take a shoot this time.

Colson: Really? I'm the only one who has had a threesome.

Jane: Looks like it.

Ash: Ok, so how has ever sold drugs?

Jane and I drink.

Colson: I did it because I needed the money to eat, and i sold weed.

Jane: Well my dad was sick and we reallly needed the money. So i started selling weed and when i stared needing more money I sold cocaine.

Colson: Shit dude.

We keep playing till it was show time and we were all wasted. We haed up to the stage and rock out. Half way throw the set Jane comes out on to the stage half naked and stage dived.

Colson: Make some noise for my crazy ass tour manager.

She comes back on stage and puts her pants on then sits on the drum platform.

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