Part 2

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Colson’s P.O.V

I hear someone banging at the door and I really didn’t want to open it. So I called Slim and told him to open it.

Slim: Man it’s probably Mary Jane, you go open it.

Colson: This way to fucking early to wake up.

  I get up and I go down to open the door in my boxers. When I opened the door it was Jane and she looked pissed.

Colson: Can I sleep like five more minutes and then we can go.

Jane: I would love to wait here another 5 minutes so that you could get your beauty sleep but we have to go and you’re not even dressed yet.

Colson: Come in, I’m going to get dressed.

Jane: Hurry please we have like 20 minutes to get to the tour bus and it’s a 30 minute drive.

Slim: I’m ready Kells Let’s go bro

Colson: Wait a minute I can’t find clean pants.

Jane: I had the same problem this morning.

Slim: For real yeah I forgot to wash my cloths. Kells come on.

Colson: Calm down I’m ready.

 We got in to Jane’s car which was old as fuck. On the way to the tour bus everyone was quiet which was proudly because no one wanted to be awake at that time.

Jane: Time to wake up.

 She plays this fucking loud ass heavy metal song and I don’t know how I didn’t shit myself.

Colson: Oh my god, don’t do that again.

Jane: Are you guys awake?

Slim and Colson: YES!!

Jane: Good now get out and get in the bus so we can go.

Colson: Bro what about your car?

Jane: My brother will come to get it later. Now let’s go before they go without us.

We walk in to the bus and everyone was picking their bunks so when we got there, there were only two bunks left and they were on top of each other. I picked the top buck so that left Jane with the bottom bunk.

 After putting the sheets on my bed I go to the living room \ kitchen area, were everyone was. Jane was in the bathroom changing her cloths.

Rookie: So who you guys think Jane will sleep with first?

Slim: What type of question is that?

Colson: Wait. Who do you think can get her in to bed first?

Rookie: Bro I bet I can get her in bed before you guys can.

Colson: No you can’t.

 At that same moment Jane came out the bathroom in some really short shorts and a crop top.

Colson: Rookie look her abs are bigger than yours.

Rookie: I might have small abs but at least I have abs.

Slim: You want me to apply water to that burn?

Jane: Come on guys be nice.

Slim: Sorry can’t do that.

Jane: So you guys got any ideas for things to do on tour?

Slim: Yeah, sleep, sex, smoking weed and if we have time sleep some more.

Colson: Agreed, and speaking of weed let’s hit one. So Jane you smoke?

Jane: If you roll it up I’ll hit it.

  I rolled two J’s and lighted one  and passed it to slim the other one I light and took a puff then passed it to Jane.  After a couple puffs Jane was high as fuck.

Slim: How you feel Jane?

Jane: Why do we feel?

Colson: Wow!

 Me, Slim and Jane fall asleep after a bit of laughing over stupid shit and eating a lot of junk food.

 We arrive at the first stop on tour and the bus driver had to wake us up for us to go to sound check.

Bus Driver B.D): You guys wake up.

Slim: Yo man what time is it?

B.D: Like 2 p.m.

Slim: Fuck Kells, Jane get the fuck up.

 I feel someone shacking me.

Colson: What the fuck man?

Slim: Get up dog we have to go to sound check like right now and Jane is still passed the fuck out.

Colson: Yo man I just got an idea to get her up.

Slim: What?

Colson: Bro did you bring your Dre Beatbox.

Slim: Yeah

Colson: Go get it, its payback time. Oh and bring my camera fast before she wakes up.

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