Part 3

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Colson's P.O.V

 Slim comes back with his speakers and the sound man has three more speakers with him. He puts the speakers all around Jane and then hooks them up to my laptop.

Sound Guy: OK now all you have to do is press play on your Laptop and it should work.

Colson: OK thanks dude.

Sound Guy: Tell me how it worked out later.

Colson: Will do.

 The gut left the buss and I started filming then I pressed play on my laptop and this havey matel song started playing on blast through all of the speakers. After like three seconds I see Jane jump up of were see was sleeping and see had the scardes look on her face, and all me and the guys could do was laugh. I was laughing so hard that my jaw was hurting.


Colson: Payback is a bitch and we have sound check like now.

Jane: Man I don't know how I didn't shit myself.

 We wait for Jane to get dressed and head out to the venue for sound check. When we get Jane is going over something’s with me and the crew.

Jane: OK so Kells do you now the set list yet?

Colson: Yeah.

Jane: OK and that still gives you time for a five minute break in the middle of the set.

Slim: Yeah Kells that’s enough time for you to have sex... twice.

 Jane has this weird look on her face.

Colson: Stop haten slim.

Jane: OK boys I'm going to leave now.

Seven hours later it's show time

I was backstage with the band and Slim getting ready to go on when Jane shows up.

Jane: OK so good luck guys and see you in a bite and don’t forget you have a 5 minute break. Oh and before I forget we have a meet n' great.

 We get on stage and I was pumped up first show on tour and I was probably going to have sex tonight so that was another plus.

 After the show I remember we have a show and I wasn't really in the mood for it I just wanted to have sex and go to sleep. Man I live my fans but some of them just think I’m this wild boy that is all ways doing stupid shit.

 I was meeting and greeting for three hours when I finally found a D.T.F girl and I meet some awesome fans with lace up tattoos.

 When the meet and greet was over we head to the bus to see Jane up against a wall talking to some guys. The guy grabs her ass and starts kissing her.

Colson: Oh my god get a room!

 She throws up the middle finger and we walk in to the bus Jane stayed with the guys out side. When I go in to the bus I tell the girl to wait for me in the back room. I video call Cassie. We talked for almost an hour. Man it hasn’t been a day yet and I all ready miss her.

Colson: Bye baby daddy has to go.

Cassie: Bye Daddy, love you.

Colson: Daddy loves you too.

 One minute later Jane walked in to the bus.

Jane: Oh did I interrupt anything?

Colson: nah you didn't interrupt anything.

Jane: OK

Colson: Who was that outside?

Jane: Some guy I met at the show

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