the corridor

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------ niall's pov ----

did that cute red head just say I was cute? awww that's cute. " you think im cute?" I asked her. she started to blush but before she could answer her loud mouth friend butted in. " I DO!" she screamed like her life depended on it. Then all the girls started to scream at the same time and started jumping up and down trying to get our attention. They were all suddenly on the wrong side on the barrier and one fan was even trying to touch harrys curls. "PAUL!" I shouted. if there is one man who could help us now that would be paul. paul walked towards us and said "this way boys, though this door and meet chris at the end of the corridor." chris is our other amazing bodyguard. we got up to leave and the fans screamed louder if that was even possible. " Niall stay here!" "come back boys!" "where are you going niall!" is all I heard I tried to get to where paul and the boys were but me and harry were surrounded by crazy fans. " LEAH! LEAAAAAAAHHHHHH! WHERE ARE YOU LEAH!" I heard a fan scream. it was that friend of that red head girl. I wonder who leah is??? I grabbed harry's arm and whispered into his ear. "who's leah because I think her friend is trying to find her?" harry looked at me blankly before dragging me through a gap in the fans. we were now in the beautiful fresh air of the corridor. "what did you say back there mate I couldn't hear you over the fans screaming?" harry asked. "don't matter anymore hazza." I replied. "OK BOYS LISTEN UP. I have locked to the doors to the room which the fans are in and we will let them go when you lot are in the car." so red head is locked in a room with screaming fans and she does not even want to be there. I feel sorry for her.

---- Liam's pov ----

Niall looked like something was on his mind but I didn't want to ask. I was just thinking over what that red head said. she said she liked the wanted better and that she thought me and Niall are cute. when she said that harrys faced changed to jealousy. I wonder why?  she was very hot and why would harry care what she thinks. he never cares about what a girl thinks. I wonder where she is now, I hope is not in there with the rest of the fans.

---- Emma's pov ---

where the hell was she? how could she just leave me here? but a least iv got Callum. but she's all alone. I hope she's ok. The boys had now left and some girls were still screaming. I walked over to the door with Callum and tried to push it but it would not open. " Callum open this door please." I asked him. he tried and failed. we were trapped! I looked around for another exit and found a small door which open a little. so me and Callum made our way over to it.

--- Harry's pov ----

we started to walk down the corridor. paul leading the way then me and Niall close behind. then Louis then liam and zayn and the back. we turned a corner and there against the wall on the floor was a red headed girl. she didn't see us because her head was in her hands.  she looked like the girl me and Niall were trying make laugh. I walked over to her and sat next to her. the boys looked at me weirdly before zayn said " come on harry I wanna go home and dont annoy that girl."

"yer hazza stop flirting" Louis said. " I have not even said anything to her yet." I snapped back at him. " yes you did" a quiet voice said. it was the red head girl who was next to me. she lifted up her head and I was met by to beautiful blue eyes. it was the girl from the interview. suddenly Liam and Niall looked interested and walked over to me and the girl. " and what was that?" I asked her. " I anit talking to you man-slag!" she said straight to my face before standing up. well those words hurt. she brussed her self off before walking off down the corridor away from us. " look at what ya did hazza?" Niall said. " it was her calling me the man-slag!" I replied.

--- Leah's pov ----

I walked away from ' harry, harry styles' and tried to find the exit. I heard someone behind me and I was just hoping it wasn't harry. I turn on my heels and came face to face with Liam. "hi..." I said quietly. "hey" he said. we stud there for a about another 30 seconds. then I realised how close I was to him. our noses were touching I stepped back quickly. "why did ya leave back there?" liam asked. " Because harry is a jerk and I dont know you guys and I need to find my friends callum and emma." I said in one big breath. " ill help you find your friends." he said. " oh harry always acts like that." he added. " ok thanks and I feel sorry for you." I told him. " you get used to it after a while." he replied. we stud there for another minute just staring into each others eyes. I turn realised this and turn around and started walking off with liam following. "HEY LIAM!" an irish voice yelled from behind us. it was a very cute Niall. WHAT AM I SAYING! I DONT LIKE NIALL! I walked over to us and he was followed by an over hyper Louis. "Hey" Niall said to me. "hey" I replied. " so whats your name because you know mine?" he asked. "erm... leah" I said slowly. " that's a beautiful name" liam butted in. niall gave him a death glare. are these boys feeling ok. " anyway finding your friends." liam said. " the girl who was screaming at Niall and the boy next to you?" Louis asked. "yes unfortunly." I replied. " oh saw them back there, I was trying to tell Niall but he was just talking about how beautiful he thought you were." . Niall was blushing a lot now and he suddenly found the floor interesting. aww cute Niall. I NEED TO STOP SAYING THAT! " can you show me where?" I asked Louis. "sure"

" oh and boys you can go now thanks liam." I said while giving him a hug. " and thanks Niall" I aslo gave him a hug but niall would not let go until Louis coughed. "bye" they both said at the same time. creepy. "bye" I said while walking off with Louis. I cant wait to get away from one direction.

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