Chapter 7

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Everything was packed and we were ready to go. I was thinking about James the whole time. After he left the party yesterday i went to bed. Why did he suddenly leave? And how was he going to visit me? He didn't even had my address. Maybe he didn't even liked me. Why would he? He was a vampire and i was a werewolf. We could never be together. And the fact that i was younger then him didn't really made it better. Even though i grew really fast -like Renesmee- he would never love someone with that age.

On the airplane on our way back home i listened to the music on my Ipod. I heard Renesmee saying my name.



"Did you liked the party yesterday?" She asked.

"Yeah i was fun.." i said while faking a smile.

"You haven't talk to me the whole day, is there something wrong?" She said worried.

"I shall tell you but you have to promise you won't say anything to Jake"

She nodded.

"I'm imprinted on James." I said looking at her. She didn't looked surprised at all.

" I know." She said calm.

"How do you kn.." I didn't finished my sentences. "Owh, Edward."

"My dad also told me James liked you too." She said happy.

"Really?" I was surprised. Did he really liked me? I mean, me? Like me?

The rest of the flight we kept talking about the party. I talked about James and Renesmee talked about Jacob. Jake was sleeping so we didn't had to worry that he would hear us. When we landed and back at the airport Edward was waiting for us to bring us home. Jacob drived home with his motorcycle.

I putted my bags in my room and walked to the Cullens's house. Renesmee said to meet her there around half past 3.


While Renesmee was talking about the vacation i heard Jacoba walking toward the house. Renesmee invited her. Then i had a vision.

We were in the forest and there were a lot of  people. I think it was a wedding because someone was standing at the altar. He had blond or brown hair and was really tall. I think i saw him before. Wasn't that the guy who was at the party yesterday? Then i saw a girl walking toward him in a white dress. She had black, curled hair but i couldn't see her face. Was it the girl who was dancing with James yesterday? Was it.. No that couldn't be. Or maybe.. 

Then my vision ended. Everybody was staring at me. They were waiting for me to tell them what i saw. Should i say it? Does anybody has the right to know? Edward already knew. I should ask him.

I smiled and walked outside. Edward heard my toughts and followed me. 

"Is it true?" I whispered to him.

"Yes, she is imprinted on him so i'm pretty sure she  was that girl." Edward said to me. I was surprised, but happy at the same time.

"Should we tell her?" I asked.

"Not yet, i have a better idea. We ask James to visit us, and if we see they really like eachother maybe e could tell them." He said.

"Okay, but can we tell Renesmee?" 

"Ok but tell her when nobody else is around." He said while walking back inside. I followed him and Jacoba was already here.


"What was that all about?" I asked my dad when he and Alice walked back inside.

"Nothing special." He said and then walked to the kitchen to talk to Carlisle.

Me and Jacoba kept talking for an hour and then she had to go home. 

" I have to go, Jacob said i had to be home at 4 pm. Bye!" 

"Okayy bye!" I said when she walked out of the door.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" I asked my dad when we were back home.

"Alice had a vision about Jacoba.. And James" He answered.

"No way?! What did she see?"

"She thinks Jacoba and James are going to marry. But we are not about to tell her."  

"Why not? She has the right to know!" I said a bit confused. 

"Carlisle ivited James and his family, if he and Jacoba starting to like eachother, we're gonna tell them.

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