Surviving The McAllen Boys

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My name is Adabelle Connor. I'm 16, average height, sparkling blue eyes, and beautiful long brown hair curly/wavy and a pretty athletic body. The perfect package, but that's not the case when her parents get divorced and her mom's boyfriend wiskes her mom away for a vacation. Her dad's is on a very important business trip in England and is not able to come home, the only other choice is her mom's best friend Layla.

Chapter 1-

" Adabelle, sweetie get up were leaving for the airport soon", bellowed my mom from downstairs. I didn't want to get up and I really didn't care, it was pointless if she hadn't cared enough to stay then I couldn't care enough to say bye. I got up and walked into the hallway, my little brother, Jake who's 4, and my little sister, Aidalese who's 4 1/2 , were hitting each other over the head with there blankets. I quickly walked into there room, " Aida and Jake! Cut it before I hit both of you over the head with your blankets! Now go downstairs and wait for Aunti Lilly to get here!". They both scurried out of the room with there blankets.They were both staying with my Aunt Lilly, she lived about 4 to 5 hours from our house in a little town. I on the other-hand was staying with my mom's best friend Layla who I didn't know much about, all I know was that she lived about 6-7 hours away with her husband and there kids.

I then looked at the little hello kitty clock in Aida's room, the read '10:25', the McAllen's were supposed to be here at 11 and I still had to shower and eat. Thankfully I packed my bags a few weeks ago, and practically everything was ready. " Ada, come downstairs and say bye", " I have to take a shower before the McAllen's get here!" I yelled down the corridor. Yes, we lived in a pretty big house for 5 people, we all had our own bathrooms and a pretty big room, mine was all bright and cheery colors I had my laptop in one corner and my artsy stuff in another, my room had two of the est things in our house, the balcony and the loft! My balcony over looked the backyard which includes the pool, the stables, the secret lake and waterfall, and everything else that is there. My loft holds my second tv and my iHome. I have a huge bed and tv.

Anyways I quickly grabbed some clothes and stuff and walked into my bathroom. I quickly got undressed and jumped into the warm water. As soon as i was about to wash my hair someone knocked on my door i anwsered with " Who is it?", they didn't reply so I continued washing my hair.When i was just about to get out I heard a giggle, a familar giggle, "Aidalese Marie Connor, out now!", I then heard giggling and the door soft. I quickly got out and got changed into my denim shorts and my low-cut, purple heart shirt, my favorite shirt, you could see a little part of my flat stomach. I then put on my matching purple and black vans, I had almost every pair of vans my last few pairs would be arriving at Layla's in a few days. I quickly put on some eyeliner and curled my hair a bit. I then heard a knock on my door, I quickly anwsered it and saw it was my mom, " Honey, come get some breakfast the McAllen's will be here soon", I pushed passed her, because I was starving, and grabbed a chocolate chip muffin and some milk. I quickly ate it and hugged by little siblings 'good-bye' since there ride had arrived.

Then there was a knock at the door, and my stomach was in butterflies, like it always was when I was meeting new people. My mom quickly scurried to the door and I could hear her walking back to the kitchen. Thankfully it was just my best friend Kelsey, she ran over and hugged me tightly before saying" Hey chicka, There was someone pulling in behind me, probably your new "family", using air quotes." I'm just staying there for a litte while till my mom and ding-dong get back!", she sighed " Still it's going to be so boring without you here for home school". " Kelsey, Don't worry you can come for a weekend and visit!", then a sweet looking women and what i presumed to be her husband walked in holding a baby. They both held out one hand for me to shake, " Hi, you must be Adabelle, you've grown so much!, I rmeber when you were a little toddler running around", I blushed, "Nice to meet you!", I said with joy.

After my mom caught up with them I hugged her and Kelsey bye. Everyone helped me carry my stuff outside, and we all got in the car for the long ride. As soon as there baby was all starpped in and they had the seat belts in they started to fill me in about there life." Well this is our newest son Jake, We also have ten other boys at home, the oldest 22 David, he likes to travel , then comes Brian 20, the most athletic one, next is Kenneth 19 the quiet, then Adam 17 the most popular at there school, and then theres Justin 16 , your age, he has all there traits, then theres Russell and Ryan 14, the joksters, next would be Johnthan 10, the brains, and Nick 4, the sweetheart, for now!", I'm a little more warmed up to them and they pretty much everything about me, they had already set up my room with the help of there boys, and there boys were excited to meet me, we had already driven 3 hours and there was only 2 hours left, since we were making good time. For the last two hours I just quietly looked out the window and listened to my iPod, while they quietly talked about what work needed to be done. I woke up a little while later to find we were going down a bumpy road, then popped up the image of there huge house, way bigger then my own! 

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