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I shivered alittle and moved closer to Justin, wait what? Then  I quickly opend my eyes and I noticed I was still laying against Justin's chest and Jake was probably in his crib. All the boys were gone except for Johnthan who was still sleeping, I felt Justin shift a little and I stayed still. In the matter of a few seconds I fell back asleep. 

A few hours later I woke up and walked up to my room and got dressed. I then went downstairs to find everyone eating breakfast and I quickly joined them. I finished my eggs and bacon, " So guys what are we doing today?", "Well we thought maybe the beach, or something?". I smiled, of course the beach! Just so they could see girls with barely any clothes on! Anyways aparently everyone was going because there was already bags of food and drinks packed. There also was towels and sunscreen, even though most of us didn't need it. I loved the beach but I was still kind of tired, i guess it will be fun.  I trudged up the stairs, and got out a cute black and white bathing suit and some shorts and a cute shirt to go over it. I quickly got dressed, and put my iPod, headphones, magazine, and stuff for the beach. I slipped on my flip flops and walked downstairs. Then I realized I suddenyl walked into an arguement about who's sitting next to me between Justin, Nick, and Adam! " No I'm sitting next to her", "No I am". "Guys!, Guyss! how about rock paper sciccors"?. They all sighed " Fine", Rock, Paper, Scissors" , " Best 2 out of 3" Adam Suggested, It  ended up  being Justin and Nick sitting next to me. So Layla and Jeff had me, Justin, Nick, Johnthan, and Jake, While Dave drove everybody else, it only took like 5 minutes to get there, and we pulled up in front of a huge beach house. " IS this house yours too?" They laughed and shook there head 'yes', " It's so nice", We all got out and carried the bags inside. Soon after putting the food in the fridge we were on a nice private beach we sahred with a few other families , but it was big. We had a bunch of blankets, and umbrellas for the little kids.

I took off my shirt and shorts and laid down onthe blanket to tan, when someone laid down next to me, I didn't lift my head when i felt Justin's hand grab mine. I Smiled, and fell asleep a few minutes later. What felt like 3 or 4 hours later I woke up and Justin was just waking up too. I sat up and he followed still holding onto my hand, I blushed at the fact he was still holding my hand, " Wanna go in the water, it's really hot!". He laughed " So are you, but yea sure!". We both jumped up and ran into the water, I dived right in and he followed, when we both came back up we realized that everybody ahd gone back to the cottage, but we stayed anyways, and then Justin pulled me tightly up against his chest, with his lips inches away from mine. He gently touched his lips to mine and pulled back,  and looked into my eyes for a reaction, making my lips feel cold instantly from the tingly sensation gone. He sighed " Adabelle?", "Yea Justin?", " Do y.. You wanna like go out like be my girlfriend?". I Smiled , and i was so excited! " Yes!, Were so much alike!". He then Kissed me gently, until we noticed it started getting dark. "Uh, Justin?", "Yea?", "I can walk, you know that right?". He laughed, and put me down, we walked back to the cottage and only  to find Kenny, Dave, Brian, and John there. I awkwardly asked " Uhh Hey guys, wheres everybody?", Dave anwsered " Well they left home, they said they'll stay another night, something about forgetting all Jake's stuff?".

I just waved it off and walked upstairs followed by Justin and went into my room in the beach house," Well, I;m gona go take a shower, and no your not invited!". With that he walked out, and I quickly took a shower, I was exshausted. I slipped on my pajamas and brushed my hair, I was just laying down when Justin walked in. I turned my tv on , and he came over pulled up the cover and laid next to me, before wrapping his arms around me, and the tingling sensation came back, he was so warm! I laid my head on his chest and he kissed the top of my head. I  reached up and kissed his lips, then laid my head back down on his chest, and after that I was out.  

Then next morning I woke up, and looked at the clock it was 9 o'clock. Justin was still sleeping and I gently shook him to wake him up. He grunted, "Come On, we have to get up it's the first day of school". We are all homeschooled, but apparently they have a lot of friends, the only thing I was lookig forward to was going on a date wth Justin. He sat up next to me and laid his head on mine. " Morning Ada, so tonight's are date", "Yea, so where are we going?". He sighed " Well if I tell then it wouldn't be a suprise!". I Pushed him, and he didn't move, he was strong for a sixteen-year old. I got up and started getting out clothes, simple just jean shorts and a white Hollister shirt. I remebered that we still had to drive back to the main house so I quickly got dressed and came back out and I assumed Justin was in his room getting changed, so I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs to wait and he was already ready with the keys in his hands, " The others already left?", "Yea, lets go so my mom doens't freak out, that were late". We drove quickly home and went inside, to find that we were just in time, there was everybodys computer and new notebooks set up with all the boys already sitting down.

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