Beach Cuties?

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After we had quietly finished our work for the day, me and Justin were the first to finish so we grabbed our stuff and walked the short walk to the beach. We laid down our towels and decided to just relax in the sun for a while, I ended up laying down with my iPod on holding hands with Justin, when Adam came and sat down next to me. I Squinted and looked up at him " Yes?". He grinned " Just checking on you guys", "Well the res no checking needed to be done here its just me and my BOYFRIEND Justin". I emphasized the boyfriend part so he got it. Justin laughed a little, Adam just walked away back to the beach house.

I laughed and laid back down when Justin poked my side, " Yes?". He grinned " Wanna go in the water?". I stood up and grabbed his hand and we walked towards the near empty ocean, since we had a beach house the beach was just for the houses. So most people were at work at this time. Right when we reached the watter Justin walked in and dove in. I kind of just laid back and slowly walked in, don't get me wrong I love to swim, but today I just wasn't feeling it. I'd rather just lay on the beach and be next to my boyfriend. I turned around to look at all the houses, they were all huge and looked so nice and family-oriented, I loved this whole new feeling of having a new big family. As i was looking at the houses I hadn't noticed Justin had came up next to me. He put his hand around my waist and pulled me next to him. " What are you looking at? He asked curiously. I laughed " Just looking at how big and beautiful those houses are". "So, are you going to swim?". I shook my head no." Why?", "Well I did want to go swimming but I'm just not really in the mood to swim, I'd rather just go back to the blanket and cuddle?" i blushed a little. He grinned, again, " Ok then lets go", he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the blanket. As soon as he sat down he pulled me into his lap, I laughed. And then of course ruining the moment, his brothers came down onto the beach all shirtless, and coincidentally a family that had teenage girls came onto the beach and they all ran off into the water to impress them I laughed . So only Nick was left on the blanket with me and Justin.

 Justin sighed, "Justin? You can go in the water if you want but I swear if one of those girls comes up to you I'm going in the water with you!". He stood up kissed my cheek and walked off towards his brothers and I pulled Nick onto my lap and asked him what he wanted to do. "Well I was thinking we could build a sand castle?". I Nodded and laughed a little, he was to cute! We started to build this huge sand castle and I happened to briefly look over at Justin and he was walking towards me. "Hey baby, um could you help me?", I laughed " Why do you need help?". He blushed " Well those girls", he pointed over there way, " Think that your not really my girlfriend and there desperate trying to be all over me and its gross, the only one I would ever want to be all over me is you!". I Blushed and he grabbed my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist. As we walked towards the water, his brother and the girls, he pulled me closer. I could see Adam flirting with some pretty blonde haired girl. And the others were just joking around, when we finally got to the water. The girls, there were 3 of them, walked towards us and stopped. There jaws dropped and they were stunned, I really didn't think I'm that gorgoues to do that. Don't get me wrong I have confidence I know I'm pretty but my god. " Hi my names Adabelle!, Yours?". Justin came up from behind me and hugged me with his hands around my waist and his head ontop of mine. They all quickly closed there mouths and blushed, I chuckled a little. Until the Brown-haired girl spoke up " Hi! You are really pretty! My name's Jenna, This is Rose, and This is Brook". Rose was a dark red -haired girl , long wavy hair, not stick skinny but not fat. And Brook was skinny and looked to be Jenna's twin. I smiled " Well nice to meet you, and I see you've meet my boyfriend Justin". He squeezed me tighter, he replied " Baby, wanna go in the water?" . For some reason now I wanted to go in the water, weird? We walked past the girls and into the water, this time i dove in first and Justin followed, he grabbed me underwater and kissed me, thats something you don't always experience. We both came up at the same time and he was stillh olding my face, while we both breathed ruggedly. The girls were still staring at us and I heard them say " Omg, I so wish I had a boyfriend like that!". I laughed and kissed him again and pulled away. I felt something touch my foot and I put my legs around his waist and shuddered. " Yes Ada?" not even moving from me jumping on him. "Something touched my foot!" . He laughed " Well princess ! I don't want to break it to you , but we are in the ocean!", I smacked him and he laughed, I got down and we swam for a little while longer , we then all got out and invited the girls to our house for dinner. They brought there older sister Gigi who was coincedently 22 like David! They started flirting and they were so cute. We ordered pizza and had a little party kind of.

After we finished Justin dragged me over to the couch and the Jenna,Rose and, Brook were sitting on the other one directly across from it and I went to walk past Justin and sit next to him but he pulled me onto his lap, and the girls laughed, and gave a little of a dirty look. I was feeling funny so, " Ohh, I like a man in charge!". All the girls gasped and started laughing, Justin blushed " Ohh, I like a bad girl!". And he grabbed my face and kissed me hard. But more in a passionate way earning glares/ hanging open mouths. All his brothers whistled and i blushed and tryed to pull away but Justin held on and slipped his toungue in my mouth, he tasted so good! I knew we could both feel the tingling sensation but he pulled away dazed, the same as me. Everyone was staring at us and we both blushed, I stood up and grabbed his hand, he stood up and followed me. Everybody was shocked and called out " Oh, Who that Ada", "He's whipped!" "Use Protection!". We both heard and started cracking up laughing. We walked out to the beach and sat down, I leaned on him and we watched the night ocean waves.

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