Hanging Out

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So we ended up just hanging out around the house. We were sitiing in the game room playing Mario Kart. I was currently beating all the boys . I was the best at Mario Kart, but I told them I never played before. "Awh c'mon Ada, if you've never played before how are you so good?" Adam asked. I laughed " I don't know, maybe I'm a natural?". he smirked. I was kind of tired of playing Mario Kart so  I ventured downstairs to the kitchen to find Layla putting dishes away. I sat down on one of the stools and she turned around and smiled. "Hey Ada!". I smiled "So what are we having for dinner tonight?". She looked  around and then looked back at me , "Well all of us, and I mean all of us have to get dressed up and go to my pparents house for dinner" she said quietly. "Have you told the boys yet?" she shook her head no. I looked at the clock and it said 3:30. "Well when are you going to?" I asked laughing. "I was wondering if you could tell them? They hate dressing up!" I nodded . " Sure , I'll be right back". She smiled and thanked me. I walked up to the game room and all the boys were sitiing there. "Hey guys?" they all turned to me and there wa sa chorus of yes'. I smiled "Ok boys so apparently all of us have to go to Layla's moms house . And we need to dress nice". They all frowned. "Guys its  not that bad ! C'mon I'll be there to cheer you up!". They all half-smiled. "Ok so go get ready, we leave at 5 and it's almost 4.". They all nodded and left the room except Justin. He walked up to me and put his arms around my waist. I smiled and laid my head on chest. He kissed the top of my head. I frowned " Well I suppose we should got get reaady". He pulled his arm off of me and pecked my lips  and nodded . "I'll see you in a few babe". I smiled and walked to my room. I jumped in the shower quickly and washed my hair. I got out and put on a strapless bra and underwear. I put on a t shirt that went mid-thigh just in case one of the boys walked in. I walked to my door and called Layla. She came right in. "Let me guess you need help deciding on dresses?" I nodded laughing. I had picked out 3 , out of my like 200. So there was the short pastel pink a little poofy at the bottom with black lace on the side and black belt. Then a short purple one, one shouldered, not super tight, but a little. And finally a short black one with small cut -outs on each side, and tight. Layla put her finger up to her chin and thought. "not the pink one, its too poofy" she said. I put it back in my closet. "I like the black one, but I also like the purple one" she thought out loud. I shrugged "But isn't the black one a little, tight, and shows a lot?". She waved her hand " Ada, with a body like yours you could get away with anything" I blushed hearing something like that from her. "Thanks Lay- Mom" She smiled and hugged me. "So your wearing the black one, its settled." She left to go make sure the others were getting ready and to get ready herself. I walked into my bathroom with my dress. I took the t-shirt off, becuase if I try and take it off affter I do my hair it'll mess it up. I started curling my hair, and I finally finished it. I was just about to start putting on my eyeliner, when I felt hands around my waist. I looked up and saw Justin in the mirror. He smirked. He started kissing my neck, I leaned back against him giving him more room. He was tracing circles on my bare skin near my hips. 

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