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"Nialler!" Harry called down the hall for his bestest friend. Niall looked back, and smiled when Harry landed in his view.

"Hey bud!" Niall hugged him, earning a friendly little kiss from his bubbly friend.

"Hi Ni, my tiny little leprechaun." Harry coos, making Niall's cheeks turn red. Niall always loved Harry's bubbly personality. He was always so happy and perky, as if he injected caffeine and glitter into his veins.

"How's your classes going?" Harry asks him, his pink manicured nails clutching his pink, glittered binder. From top to bottom, it was all coordinated into his outfit, from his fluffy pink sweater that exposed his prominent collar bones, to the pink socks that covered his toes. The only thing that wasn't pink was his blue skirt that complemented his curves and bumps at all the right places.

"Well I just had physics, to be brutally honest, I don't think Mr. Nye wants me anywhere near the labs again." He says, closing his locker and walking beside Harry.

"Again?" Harry groans. "He still didn't get over that?"

"Aparrently not. I told him I didn't mean to blow a hole into the table, but he didn't care. And it sucks now that he's my physics teacher, cause I have zero confidence in passing his class."

"Aww," he coos, wrapping his arms around Niall's small frame to comfort him. "Nothing to fear, Harry is here!"

Niall giggles at Harry, admiring how he can always cheer him up when he's down.

"I'll tutor you, I'm never really doing much anyway." Harry proposes.

"Aww, thanks, Haz." Niall leans into him.

"No problem, Ni--" the curly lad starts, but he immediately drifts off as his green eyes catch on to those pearly ocean blue.

Which can only mean trouble.

Louis Tomlinson--the footie star, the most popular boy in the school, and Harry's arch nemesis--makes his way down the hall, his bad boy clique following suit.

Harry bit his lip in apprehension. He hated Louis. He couldn't stand him, and he's pretty certain Louis couldn't stand him either.

Not that he cared, because the feeling was mutual, they've discussed it.

"Fuck," Harry sighed under his breath, catching Niall's attention. "Louis is here. "

Niall follows Harry's gaze, which land on the blue eyed bastard. Niall sighs in annoyance. He hated Louis just as much as Harry.

"Well, maybe if you keep your head down he won't see you." Niall mitigated.

Harry inhaled deeply, then exhaled, slowly nodding as they both made their way down the hall in Louis' direction.

Harry slowly shifts his feet, trying to avoid the ticking bomb that is Louis. And he's doing everything not to set him off.

Don't look at him, don't even tilt your head, He thought as he slowly encountered him, feeling his presence wash over him, like his ocean blue eyes that engulfs his figure.

Just as Harry lets out the breath he was holding, because he can finally go about his day without a negative comment, his books fall out of his hands, and down to his feet.

Well, they didn't fall, they were slapped. By Louis.

A small rumble of laughter emerge from the crowd around Harry, as he stares at the pile of papers that fell. He hated how Louis made him feel small.

"Pick 'em up, flowerboy," Louis' friend sneers at him, making Harry's face turn red with embarrassment. All while Louis has a satisfied smile on his face as he watched the curly hair lad bend over to pick up his belongings.

As the crowd disappeared, so did Niall. But Harry understood that his friend had to go. He had morning classes to be at, he shouldn't stay behind because his friend is being humiliated. That's self centered of Harry.

Just as Harry's hand reaches for the last book, a foot pins it down. Harry groans in annoyance. It's his favorite book, all bedazzled in pretty pink jewelry, and Louis had to ruin it for fun.

Louis bends down to Harry, his sapphire orbs meeting emerald ones. A smirk plays on his thin lips. Sometimes, when Louis wasn't an asshole, Harry always his admired his beauty, and wanted to kiss him.

But not now.

"Hey, Horton," he said. Harry gritted his teeth in fury. Shit, he doesn't know how much he hated that nickname.

"Hey, Lewis," he spit back at him, pure venom in his voice. But Louis only smiled, mocking his tough demeanor.

"Next time, might wanna wear a longer skirt. Okay, princess?" Louis softly demanded, his fingers tugging at the hem of Harry's mini skirt.

"I wear what I want, Louis," Harry rolled his eyes as he snatched his book from under Louis foot. Louis, suprised by the amount of force from Harry, trips back, landing on his bum.

Thank god no one else was in the hallway, or he would've been embarrased.

"Fuck you, Horton." Louis growled at him as Harry walked away, earning a middle finger from Harry.

Louis, however, totally wasn't drooling over how good Harry's bum looked in his short skirt.

He hated him after all.

Shhhh I suck at writing, this is my sixth story that I deleted and restarted. Just saying

larrystylinsonvevo is helping me editing this book (I kinda like it) so go check her out ;) and her amazing 22 stories that are amazingly written by her.

And bOI



iight peace fam.]


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