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Louis' POV *imma fuck y'all up*

"Louis?" He moaned my name, my eyes meeting his. He looks so scared, and so fragile, I hate when he's like this.

Surely when Ashton comes back to school tomorrow I'll really beat his ass. No one hurts Haz like this.

"Louis," he whispered again, realizing I've been staring at him and haven't quite answered his question.

"Suprise," I muttered as I carried Harry bridal style to my car. I look back down at him but he's dead to the world again. I watch as he takes shallow breaths, his plump pink lips puffing every time he takes in air, his cheeks blue and red from the punches Ashton gave him. He looks so broken, and fragile.

I didn't mean for it to go too far.

"Sorry, bub." I whisper in his ear as I gently lay him down in the backseat of my car. He stirs lightly, and I can't help but tuck his curl behind his ear when it fell in front of his face. I contemplate curling up next to him and comforting him, whispering reassuring whispers in his ear and telling him that he'll be okay. That everything will be okay.

But I can't. And I won't.

I done this to him, I hurt him. Just like I did last year. It's like every time I'm near him something bad happens and I can't seem to grasp control of it.

And I hate myself for it. I fucking do.

And with that thought, I slam the door of the back seat and slip into mine. I stick the key into the ignition and start driving.

Sooner or later he'll wake up. And hate me even more.


Harry's POV

Harry doesn't expect to see the familiar blue walls of Louis' room when he opens his eyes. He doesn't remember being here anyway.

He also doesn't remember stripping off his clothes and fitting into one of Louis' oversized sweaters. He spots the clothes he wore earlier on his desk, neatly folded and placed atop his bookbag.

Harry tries to sit up, wanting to gather his belonging and leave, but a sharp pain jabs his ribs and he's on the floor and screaming in pain.

"Fuck!" He whimpered through gritted teeth, clutching his chest in his hands. He couldn't catch his breath, and he was too weak to stand. He doesn't even remember what happened, and he could've swore he was at the diner with Liam, Calum and--


Before Harry can think more about what happened, the door swings open, revealing the blue-eyed boy with nothing but sweats on. He starts to panic as soon as he sees curly laying on the floor, and rushes to his side.

"Shit, Harry. You okay?" He asks him, his hands hovering over his fragile body. His eyes moves to his face, which is contorted in pain, and a pang of guilt hits him. But he pushes all his feelings down because right Harry is his responsibility. And it's better to show no emotion.

He lifts Harry up off of the floor, and places him against the bed, Harry groaning when his body's in motion. Louis resists his urge to run his hands along his red, puffy cheeks.

Oh how bad he wants to do it.

"Why am I here?" Harry croaks. "Where's Liam and Calum?"

Louis stops Harry before he asks too many questions. Mainly because the real question is something he's trying to avoid.

"Shh, Harry, please just calm down. You need to rest--" he tries to push his shoulders down, but Harry pushed Louis down on the ground, the look of fear and anger in his eyes.

"Don't--don't do that!" He stutters, pulling his hair and shaking in fear. He rocks back and forth, hugging his knees close to his chest. "Please, don't touch me," he softly whispers.

Louis takes in the soft spoken figure ion his bed, the look of terror taking over his entire body. His oversized sweater looks like it fits Harry just right, but he pulls against the cuffs, wanting to cover his huge hands.

He forgot how submissive Harry can be.

Louis takes careful steps towards the boy, sitting next to him after he silently asks him. Louis gives Harry a sympathetic look, wanting to just break the chains that were holding him hostage and curl up with the sad boy.

But he couldn't. He couldn't show the side that actually cared, even when it was needed, because it's a sign of vulnerability, and he's not really for that sort of intimacy.

"Why?" Harry's eyes silently beg of Louis, wanting him to answer the question that's been on his mind since he came here.

Because I'm a Fuck up, is what he wanted to say. But he knew that not what Harry wanted to hear, or wanted to feel. He didn't care for the boundaries he set for himself, Harry was hurting and he needed him. He finally needed him, after a year of waiting.

Without a word, Louis broke his boundaries, and pulled Harry into a hug, a tight desperate hug, as if Harry was gonna be ripped out of his grasp at any moment.

Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. But he wasn't gonna wait around for the unfortunate to happen.

Cause maybe Louis needed him too.
Earlier that morning

Louis' POV

I waited outside of the school after dropping Harry off. He had to go upstairs to his Bio teacher to drop off some classwork.

Last night was weird, sleeping in the same bed as him. It felt so long ago that we used to do that, when we were kids I would spoon him--cause back then I was taller.

But now I couldn't. I kept the half-ton wall up for myself, knowing that if I did anything else he would get hurt, and I would regret even touching the boy.

Ashton is. He'll definetely regret touching Harry.

How dare he tried to take advantage of him. I'm so lucky I got there before anything else happened.

I swear to god if ever tried to take Harry's virginity...

"Hey LouBear. Miss me?"

I whip my head around quickly at the sound of that Australian boy.

He smiles smugly, but I think I can smile a bit wider being that his face looks smashed in. A black eye and a bruise on his cheek.

Nice job, Tommo.

But that doesn't stop me from wrapping my hands around his neck and holding him against the wall.

"Don't you ever call me that," I say behind gritted teeth. My bathing becomes more irrational as I hear a low chuckle from his throat.

"Is that a way to talk to your daddy, Louis?"

I can feel my grip tighten around his neck in pure rage and anger.

"You sick, bastard."

"Yeah, says the one who would do anything to get him back. Remember our deal, sweetheart?" His raspy voice calls me out.

"You wouldn't want me telling your little twink what you're up to, huh?" He slyly remarks, treating down my facade. I slowly shake my head, confirming his accurate guess.

"Thought so. Now put me down, or pretty boy Harry will get a good taste of humiliation. And my cock." He threatens. The thought of Harry getting hurt is the only reason why I let him go.

What the hell did I get myself into?




but im not a rapper

Feel free to Fuck me the fuckity fuck up wit dem comments and votes and reads.


Until then
later chicos ;)

<3 Troi

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