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"Ugh, he's such a dick," Harry slouched on the cafeteria table, his body tired from the annoying school day.

"All he does is torment me, and I can't stand it. What do I do?" he complains to his two friends, Liam and Niall.

Niall gulps down his cheese sandwich and milk before answering.

"I say you just tell the Dean. Maybe have you and Louis talk it out."

Liam scoffs in disapproval. "Niall, that's suicide. Imagine how much trouble Harry would be in then."

Harry drops his head in dispair. Liam was right. He couldn't tell the Dean, because then he would be bullied twice as much as he is now. Plus, deep down, he wants to be Louis' friend, he doesn't seem all that bad of a person. There has to be some sort of good in him.

Then, the idea hit him: "I could tutor him!"

Both Niall and Liam stared at their crazy friend in disbelief, a bright and huge smile on Harry's face.

After a few seconds of staring, Liam regretfully asks, "Are you...serious?"

Harry enthusiastically nods, an anticipated smile on his face. "It's a great idea! I'll tutor him, so he can get used to me, and we can be awesome friends!"

"Let's not forget that you, uh, hate the guy," Niall says, tapping his fingers against his lips. (it's a random habit he does out of concentration).

"Yeah," he sighs, finally realizing the chinks in his plan. "maybe if I leave the school, he'll stop bothering me."

Niall pats his friends back in comfort, while Liam clears the trash from the table.

"I'm gonna go use the boy's room." Harry dismisses himself from the table. He makes a sharp left outside the door, skipping and humming along the short trip. Truthfully, he didn't know what to do about Tomlinson. Or Tomlin-dick, in his head. He giggles at the stupid name he came up with.

He deals with him every single day, and just because he can doesn't mean he wants to. What happened in the past stays in the past, and he wants to remove any horrible stigma from that day.

Especially Louis.

But how can he do that when a small part of him still cares?

I'm stressing myself out, Harry thought as he pushed open the bathroom door. He scrunched his face as he takes in the smell of weed, the strong smell almost making him turn around and yar the girl's bathroom. He decides to stomach it, and walks to an empty stall. He scoffs at the carving of the words "420 blaze it" and a tiny fire symbol.

Harry may hate his school, but at least he can laugh at their sense of humor. After flushing the urinal, he applies an extra cost of bubble gum lip gloss (his favorite) while humming Bubblegum Bitch. He starts swaying his hips, fully confident that he was in the bathroom alone, singing the lyrics at a low whisper, fixing his mascara, and bumping his curls.

But he wasn't alone.
Of course, he didn't hear Louis following behind him to the bathroom. He smirks at Harry while he pours obliviously in the mirror, unaware of his presence.

"Nice bum, sweetcheeks," Louis playfully flirts.

Harry finches at Louis' words, suprised at the boy standing nonchalantly in the doorway.

Harry, erractically breathing after being scared to death, asks,"Have you been watching me this whole time?"

Louis smirks at the curly lad, completely chill aside from Harry's anxious state.

"Enough to know that's your favorite song." He says. And Harry can't help but point out the glint of sincerity in his eye.

He must be hallucinating, Louis isn't sincere. He's mean, he's always been like that. He's always pushed away people that ever gotten close to him, especially Harry, and always make them feel like shit--

"What do you want, Louis?" Harry groans, interrupting his own thoughts. "You already humiliated me enough today."

"Remember we went to her concert? Marina? You still remember that?" Louis genuinely asks, some desperation hinted in his voice. "We used to be friends, Haz."

"Don't call me that!" Harry snaps, his cheeks flaring up in anger. "only friends call me that."

Louis face falls, his usual grim expression taking on.

Harry clasps the top of his lip gloss back on, mumbling a goodbye as he brushed past Louis.

Harry quickly scurried out the bathroom before the first tear drops from his blushed cheeks.


Liam's footie practice; 3:30 p.m.

Harry and Ashton sit on the tip of the bleachers, cheering on their two friends during their football scrimmage.

"Go Li and Cal!!" They both chant as Calum's team advances down the field, swiftly passing it to Liam. Both boys go wild as Liam makes the winning goals, earning questionable looks from nearby spectators.

"Wooohooo!!" Harry and Ashton rush hand in hand down the bleachers to their two best friends. Harry had a small hunch that Ashton had some feelings for him, but he never thought more about it. Plus, Ashton is a real cutie, Harry never thought he'd be interested in a cross dresser like him.

"Nice job, Calum!" Ashton high fives his best friend. Harry waves eagerly to Liam, who's wiping away his sweat with his towel.

"Thanks for supporting me, celebratory lunch at the diner today?" Calum suggested, but Harry groans.

"Can't, I have a History essay to finish," he pouts, making Ashton frown.

"Aww, please? It'll be fun. You, me, Liam, and Calum." Ashton pulls Harry closer, his hand laying on his hip.

"I'll even order your favorite." He softly whispers, placing a fallen curl behind his ear. Calum playfully made gagging sounds,

Harry was turning into gush inside. Oh, how much he wanted Ashton to kiss him, and he can feel his own breath against Ashton's lips as he says yes.

He can also feel the wind knocked out of him as a soccer ball knocks them both down on the ground.

Harry groans, clutching his stomach as the pain shoes through his body, and watches through watery eyes as Louis bellows over in laugh with his friend Zayn.

Why does Louis always have to be a pain in the ass? He's always so mean to him and it angers him so much why he continually tortures him.

"Suck ass, Tomlin-dick!" Harry yells towards the blue-eyed boy.

Harry hates him so much.



Tell me all about it I wanna know I promise.

Have a nice day lovelies

<3 Troi

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