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I just unpublished and republished cause in this chapter something happens and I forgot to put a trigger warning I'm so sorry (it almost happens but still I just want to prepare you guys)

Liam, Calum, Ashton and Harry fooled around in the diner, Liam and Cal throwing fries at each other, while the other two did the exact opposite.

"Liam, even with my eyes closed I can run circles around you, don't play." Calum challenges Liam, making him laugh, and surrender.

"Alright, you got me, but you definitely can't beat Tommo."

Harry's body goes rigid at the name, but only on instinct. Ashton notices, pulling Harry's hand into his own lap and drawing patterns on his palm. He can slowly feel Harry relax, doing that until the topic of the conversation changes.

"True, he's good--"

"Fucking amazing, you mean?" Liam interrupts.

"Geez, Liam, if you wanted to hop on his dick so bad, why don't you ask him?" Ashton retorts, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He didn't like Louis that much either, but it's only because Louis agitates Harry.

But his comment toward the blue eyes footie star makes Calum and Harry laugh hysterically. Liam only rolled his eyes.

"Sorry for really liking him." Liam mutters against the rim of his glass, taking a sip of his lemonade.

"Well, enough about practice, who's going to my party on Friday?" Calum enthusiastically asks.

"I might not, I got a test to study for," Harry mumbles an excuse, picking at the fringe of his pink knee-highs.

Harry never really liked parties, he thiguht it was too...icky. It's just a whole bunch of people drinking and smoking, and doing illegal things, and Harry would die if he ever had to go to jail. He didn't even want to go to the diner, he wanted to go home, but Ashton persuaded him, and who can say no to Ashton?

"But you always, study, babe." Ashton pouts at Harry, pet name making him swoon over the dimpled Aussie. "Just come to his party, it'll be fun."

"I don't know," Harry mumbled. " I hate parties. they're so unnecessary most of the time."

"But I'll be there, and I won't let go of your hand." Ashton took Harry's hand and pressed his soft lips against his knuckles, breathing the word please against them.

Harry, his cheeks blushing a rosy read at Ashton's sweet words, gives in to his persuasion. Ashton gives a look of achievement, happy that he's going.

"You should tell me what your wearing,
so I'd get even more excited." Ashton whispers, a hint of lust behind his words.

"Ditto," Harry whispers back, making Ashton giggle, and pull him closer.

Harry really liked Ashton, he had some sort of adorableness and gentle aura that he really feel in love with. No one really thought much about their flirting except Liam. Liam knew Harry had some sort of crush on Ashton, but he never thought Harry had the actual balls to flirt back. He was always so passive and bashful when it came to crushes. He'd always hide behind Niall when it came to those things, but seeing Harry act open to Ashton's affections made him somewhat relieved. It was hard for him to jump back into it after the whole incident with Louis last year, and it made Harry reconsider his whole self identity. But now, he seems pretty content on what he wants. He finally sees his worth.

"Look at them, Cal." Liam whispers, nodding at the two little lads laughing and smiling. "He's happy."

Calum smiles, but an uneasiness shadows behind his smile. Liam notices it, but shakes it off quickly.

"Yeah," he breathes, not wanting Liam or Harry to take into Ashton's actions. Ashton can be nice, but it isn't as pure as everyone seems. Calum learned the hard way.

Calum just hopes he doesn't get hurt.


The boys leave the diner late, at about 7 p.m. Cal's sister, Mali, picked him up, while Liam just decided to leave with one of his other friends, Zayn. Harry kinda sees the twinkle in Liam's eye when he talks about Zayn, but he doesn't think Liam would go for it. Liam is straight, right?

That just leaves Harry and Ashton, who offered the smaller lad a ride home, unaware of Ashton's impure thoughts towards him.

"The sky looks so pretty tonight," Harry admires at they walk the short distance to the car.

"Yeah, but not as pretty as you." Ashton compliments, blood rushing to Harry's cheeks.

"Thank-" Harry barely got the word out before Ashton pounced on him, pushing Harry against the nearby building and kissing him.

Harry felt startled, not sure why Ashton did that. He liked him, but the move was a bit too forward for him, groaning when Ashton tried pushing his toungue past his lips.

Ashton grunted, moving towards his neck in quick motions.

"So, pretty," he gasped between kisses, nipping too hard at Harry's skin.

"Ash," Harry gasped, trying to push Ashton away, but he only gets aggressive, pinning his entire body against the building.

"Ashton stop." Harry finally said firmly, his hands shoving his chest away when he felt his hands go against his bum.

"What's the matter, curly? Can't take a compliment?" Ashton breathes out. "I just want a feel.."

"No. I-I don't want that." Harry back away, but only hits the brick wall. He starts to panic, knowing that there's no one outside that can help him.

"Now, let me give you that compliment, baby girl.." Ashton closes in on him again, but only getting a knee to the balls. He shrieks in pain, grabbing his crotch as Harry makes a run for it. Yes almost at the end of the block until he feel a sharp pain at the roots of his hair, his whole body jerking backwards as he falls to the concrete.

He groans as he touches his hair, which was roughly tugged, and tries to gain his footing back. But Ashton's fist connects with his jaw before he can even call for help.

A painful cry escapes Harry's bleeding lips as he curls to the floor, his body hurting all over. Please let this be over, please let this be over he thought, but it wasn't.

Ashton, mumbling a few profanities, pulls Harry up by his hair, another cry coming from his lips.

"Please.." He faintly pleads. "please.."

Ashton smirks, unbuckling his pants and pulling Harry closer to his crotch.

"You should know that I always get what I want."

"No you don't." Another voice retorted. Harry's head was turned the other way, so he couldn't see who it was. But he saw the blood in Ashton's face had completely draineed, and his grip on Harry has loosen enough for him to escape.

"Leave him alone, Ash." The voice protested, his footsteps nearing the two lads.

"Or what? What are gonna do? Hit--" Ashton didn't even get to finish his sentence before he was knocked out unconsciously, his body hiring the concrete right next to Harry.

Harry was slightly relieved, but also really scared. He was almost raped by someone he trusted, someone who he thought was innocent.

Guess he isn't anymore.

He feels his body leave the concrete, and tried to protest, but he was too tired, and falling in an out of consciousness. So he just loudly groaned.

"Shut up, curly," the lad whispered. and suddenly Harry recognizes him. And those blue eyes.



lol sorry I happened to like this story tho ngl

I need friends

Lol jk can someone catch me up with some recent updates on the boys I haven't been on tumblr in forever

K byeee

<3 Troi

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