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Smol Dylan up there awww I hope he gets better.

Harry' POV *First Person*

I feel so different when I look at Louis. Staring at him across the room during geometry, he doesn't seem like a monster to me. He doesn't seem like the Louis that I get anxiety from every time he's around. He doesn't seem like the boy who pushed me around and humiliated me just for fun. He doesn't seem like a boy who's bad intentions radiate off their body.

And I wonder where that Louis has gone, and why I look at him so differently. Is it because he saved me? Or because he was there for me when no one else was? He probably will still be an ass to me, but why do I have a harder time thinking think that he most certainly might?

The usual frown that always shown on his face isn't there, his baby blue eyes looking at the board in concentration. I've never really studied his features before--maybe because when I did he'd probably punch me--but now that I see him, he doesn't look bad. When he's not mad at me, he actually looks...pretty. Hot even. His prominent and strong cheekbones complement the softness of his features. And the way his jaw twitches just sends shudders throughout my body, and makes me feel fuzzy all over. Wow he's just so--

"Harry, would you like to answer this question?" Ms. Agnitti, my geometry teacher asks expectantly. Everyone's eyes seem to be on me, even Louis', and I start to blush.

"W-what was the question?" I squeak, trying not to look like a fool. but that's obviously not working out.

"How does the midpoint formula help prove that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram?" She restated, obviously annoyed with my lack of focus. I try to stutter out a question, but I couldn't say a word. If only that blue eyed idiot didn't have my class I'd be fine...

"What he meant to say was," I hear Louis' small raspy voice say, clearing his throat, "is that the midpoint formula can prove the quadrilateral is a parallelogram by finding if the diagonals bisect each other."

My teacher nods her head in approval, scolding me for not paying attention before she rambles on about other stuff. My eyes wander back to Louis, not really afraid of being caught anymore, only to find his blue eyes staring back at me.

I'm not sure what to do, or what it is that should be done, so I turn away, and try to pay more attention to the lesson.

But I can still feel his cobalt eyes burning through me.


I follow Louis into the hallways after class, bumping into incoming students just to get to him. But he must know in following him cause holy shit those short legs can move fast.

Finally I can spot him through the crowd, taking out books, and putting them away in his locker.

I take deep breaths, taking myself to stay cool, cause I don't want to scare him off. In a way, he reminds me of a deer, so small and fragile. When he's not smoldering and sullen, he looks soft. And I take a ment to admire that Louis, before I start to shuffle towards him.

"Louis," his name leaves my lips in a whisper, pretty sure that he didn't hear me.

But the way he turns around to face me tells me he heard me loud and clear.

He doesn't answer though, he just looks at me with expectant eyes. I squirm under his glare, and I can't help but pick at my purple sweater, avoiding his electric blue eyes.

"Umm, s-so I j-just wanted to.." I mentally curse at myself for stuttering.

"Thanks for..saving me." I finally get my sentence out. I know he must be laughing at me because I sound nervous and scared, so I avoid his humorous smirk, and leave.

"You're welcome, curly." He whispers behind me, the nickname stopping me in my tracks.

He hasn't called me that since kindergarten.

I scrunched my nose at the sucky nickname, never really understanding why he came up with that in the first place.

"Why'd you call me that?" I ask him. His lips curl up in a small smile as he walks slowly towards me.

"Cause you have curly hair," he says, taking one of my curly hair strands and twirling them between his fingers.

"And you had this weird obsession with curly fries when you were younger." We both share a breathless laugh in the small amount of space that we have. For a moment, I can forget about the empty halls, and yesterday's incident, and I can finally focus on the blue eyed boy in front of me.

Unconsciously, I lean forward, and press a kiss to his cheek, not knowing that he would freak out.

He pushes against my chest seconds after my lips brush against his cheek, and I trip over my pigeon toed feet.

"Why would you do that!" He screams at me, a lump forming in my throat.

"I-I am so s-sorry" I scramble to my feet, trying to pick up the papers on the floor, but he towers over me, and I can't help but stare.

"Don't ever come near me! You...you" He steugles to say the word that comes to mind. But I know it's gonna come.

Just like it did last time.

"You fucking fag!"

My bottom lip quivers, and tears that were threatening to fall, are now cascading down my blushed cheeks. I finally get up from the floor, and run past Louis to the bathroom. I lock myself in the last stall, and I finally let myself cry.

I knew he would do that. I knew he would hurt me again, just like what he did last time. Why did I think he would change? Why did I think he would be any different?

"Fuck!" I scream over and over again as I punch the door of the stall.

Fuck me for being naive and believing everyone can change.

Fuck me for thinking the same boy that rejected me once could actually be interested in me.

Fuck me for liking Louis fucking Tomlinson.

Fuck everything.


I never really have short chapters in this book so I made a short chapter.

Aww poor tinie Harrie
Louie is a bit of a lead on don't you think?

Lol oh well


Aaaaand I started a new book woohoo

Okay hope you love this shitty chapter cause I am sick af so bai!

<3 Troi

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