groupchat [16]

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Hayes: gosh this is really happening. we're all doing what we want, we're doing bigger things.

Cameron: I know, it's all so surreal

Nash: this family we've built is going to live on forever.

Aaron: no matter how big each of us get, we'll always be able to look back on the memories and remember where we came from.

Shawn: gosh you all know I'm emotional, why are you always soppy

Jack: you know, you guys have always been the most important things in my life and you'll always be the best things that's ever happened to me.

Gilinsky: shit we getting so mature.

Taylor: people change. feelings change. maturity changes. but no matter what you always have those people that will never change on you and I think I've found those people.

Matt: I've heard that people change people and they change for the better, so maybe this change we're making is best for all of us.

Carter: ugh I love you all so much.

Hayes: this is okay. we're okay. nothing's changing, but out careers.

Cameron: no Hayes, everything's changing.

Shawn: so I guess this is it then? this is how it all ends. no more midnight groupchats. no more 2 am skype calls. no more us, it's all over?

Nash: no it's not over, we promised it would never be over and I don't break promises. we're just taking a break for a little while.

Aaron: I feel like we're stalling this. we've got to end it sooner or later.

Jack: fuck this is hard. I love you all no matter what.

Jack has left the conversation.

Carter: well one down, nine to go huh.

Gilinsky: you're all amazing. thank you for everything.

Gilinsky has left the conversation.

Shawn: this is all so much to take in. I can't do this. I love you all. this is it. for now.

Shawn has left the conversation.

Taylor: I love you guys.

Taylor has left the conversation.

Matt: this whole experience with you guys has humbled me, so thank you. I love you.

Matt has left the conversation.

Carter: this is it. my last words. I love you all so fucking much.

Carter has left the conversation.

Aaron: you guys helped me find myself, so this is very hard saying goodbye but all good things have to come to an end. I love you and no matter what happens between any of us, you all will always have a special place in my heart.

Aaron has left the conversation.

Hayes: I'm literally sobbing right now. I can't thank you guys enough for what you've done for me and my life but I guess all I can do say is thank you. so thank you. I'm not saying goodbye because that would that we'll never speak again but we will. so see you later. I love you.

Hayes has left the conversation.

Nash: Cam, it's just me and you. you made the last 4 years of my life the best experience ever but it had to come to an end. no matter what you and the rest of the boys will always be the most important people in my life. so till we speak again, I love you a lot and this is not the end.

Nash has left the conversation.

Cameron: and then there was one. goodbye.

Cameron has left the conversation.


So if you haven't go the hint I'm ending this book for good. I can never ever thank you guys for how much support you've given me on this book.

I just don't have as much passion for this book as I did when I first started it. I don't know if it's because I don't like the boys as much as I did but I can't write this anymore.

This family with you all and with all the boys has been the best experience of my life but it had to end some time, and this is the ending.

This is my family and it always will be, but people change and people grow out of things. I grew out of the boys. I will never stop loving them because they helped me through the hardest time in my life.

So this is it, this is the end. Thank you for everything and I love you.

Shit this is hard.


much love,
jahnice x

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