Chapter two

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When I was done training with Jack, I went to the backside of the gym to smoke a cigarette, since I couldn't go to the front because there where a ton of stupid screaming girls. It was now around six o'clock and I was about to go home to eat something, until I heard a very deep, raspy voice say "You know, smoking is very bad for you." I jumped while hearing his voice. I've never thougt about how his voice sounded because I really don't care actually, but it did send chills up and down my spine.

"I don't fucking care" I said harsly, not really in the mood for talking, I'm never in the mood for talking though. I looked up to him, finding him staring at me I raised my eyebrows. "Well well, I was just saying, you have a funny accent, are you from Ireland?" He asked me. I just wanted to go home, eat, shower en then sleep.

I was already getting tired of this boy although he had only said four things, or something like that. "Why would you wanna know that, you're a fucking popstar, why would you care?" I said, again very harsh. Now he raised his eyebrows at me, looking very confused. "Wow, I'm sorry, geez, I can't really ask you anything, can I?" "Please just fuck off." I said, looking away from him, throwing wat was left from my cigarette on the ground and stamping on it.

I really wanted this conversation to end. Well actually for me it wasn't really a conversation, he asked me stupid things and I didn't want to answer, so I walked back inside, but immediatly stopped when he was following me hot on my heels and grabbed my arm. "What the fuck do you want?" I yelled in his face, getting very irritated. "Geez what the hell is wrong with you? I was just trying to be nice and all you do is be harsh to me!" Although I really didn't want to admit it, he was right. He was trying to be nice to me and all I did was yell in his face.

Maybe I need to be kind more often, but I didn't want to be friends with him. I don't need friends, at all. I sigh and say "I'm sorry, I'm not really used to people being nice to me, I'm Jay" I say and while I said it I immediatly regret it. Why the hell did I say that? Now he's probably gonna ask me why and that really isn't anyone's business. He smiled showing off dimples, cute. And now I could slap myself for thinking that.

"Hi Jay, I'm Harry, but you probably already knew that from those girls outside screaming my name the whole time..." He said and before he could say anything more, I faked a smile and said "Yeah I do, and my trainer told me." "Ah your trainer, Jack isn't it? Nice guy." He said and I swear if he wasn't looking at me I'd roll my eyes, but I was trying to be nice, for the first time in a very long time. So I just nodded, not really knowing what I could say further.

It was a bit awkward, both of us didn't really know what to say anymore. I was just looking at my feet, wiggeling my toes who where hiding in my shoes. "Jay, why did you say you aren't really used to people who are being nice to you?" Fuck, now he did ask it. All I wanted to do right now is just run away from him, or punch him in the face, but I couldn't, I was just frozen and I didn't really know why.

I was never lost for words, I would always snap at people or something like that when they would ask me something personal, but now I didn't. "I'm sorry nevermind, forget I asked." He suddenly said. I looked up to him and he smiled. Wow, he actually is very nice, and handsome. Stop it Jay. "Well, it was nice meeting you Jay, I'm going home, I'll see you later." He winked, and with that, he walked back inside the gym, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Why was I acting like this? Why was I suddenly lost for words? Why couldn't I just yell in his face that it wasn't his fucking business and that he needed to fuck off? What the hell was this boy doing to me? Yeah sure he was nice, but that doesn't have to mean I'm also going to be nice to him. And why does this even bother me? I normally don't give a fuck about anything! Maybe it's just because I'm hungry, and I need some sleep. Yeah, that's probably it. I smoke one last cigarette and then go back inside the gym, yelling to Jack that I'm going home. When I step outside, I see that all the girls are gone now, luckily, so I can walk in peace to my car and drive home, to finally eat something, then probably watch some TV and then going to bed. This all with one boy being on my mind the whole time, Harry.

Harry's pov.

When I finally arrived my appartment, after going on pictures with every single girl who where standing outside, I kicked off my shoes and jumped on my couch. I couldn't stop thinking about this Jay girl the whole time. She was so misterious. She held some kind of darkness over her. Her eyes where a beautiful mix between blue and green, but I saw some sadness in them too. She was a bit pale, black circles underneath her eyes like she hadn't slept for days. Long, curly blond hair up in a messy ponytail. She was beautiful nontheless.

Her boxing skills were so good, I've never seen anybody hit something so hard like Jay hit that punching bag. I couldn't stop wondering about why she was so aggresive though. Snapping at everybody who tried to talk to her in the gym, also at me. I wanted to know more about this girl, maybe something had happened in her past? That would explain why she said she wasn't used to people who are being nice to her. And if she isn't used to people being nice to her, that'd mean that she haven't got any friends, because friends are nice to you, right? And family, family are also supposed to be nice to you. I don't know anything about this girl, but I have the feeling she's holding so many things behind, and I want to find out more about her. I was thinking about Jay for a while when I realized I hadn't even eat anything yet, so I picked up my mobile and ordered some pizza. This was going to be be one lonely night, again.

Jay's pov.

When I woke up to my alarm clock, I groaned, realizing it's monday today and that I have to work. It actually schocked me that I didn't woke up this night because of a stupid nightmare or flashback. I got up and made myself ready for my stupid goddamn job. I stepped in my car and drove to starbucks first, I always do that to buy a croissant and a coffee to start the day with. When I arrived at work, everyone didn't even look at me, they knew I wouldn't say anything back when they said goodmorning. They didn't even try to speak to me. I sighed, walking to the locker room where I put my car keys and other stuff in my very own locker and putting on my Tesco jacket. Starting with my daily work routine, which consisted of stocking shelves.

I jumped while suddenly hearing is voice behind me. "Wow, I'd never think a girl like you'd be working at Tesco." Harry chuckled. What the actual fuck? Is this boy stalking me? Every single girl out there would murder to meet Harry, and I am suddenly seeing him everywhere? Okay that's maybe overreacting because it's only the second time I see him, but it's still weird. "Why would you even think of me, Harry?" I asked harshly, kinda emberassed for him to see me like this.

Oh my god, why am I even emberassed? Why does this bother me? Because it shouldn't bother me at all, what he'd think of me, what anyone would think of me. Geez I'm going crazy I think. "I don't, but when I saw you I wouldn't really picture you working here at Tesco, I haven't really thought about where you'd be working actually." He said, simply shrugging his shoulders. "Good." I snapped, continuing to aggressively stocking the shelves.

He really needed to go away. "Why are you even here? The store isn't even open yet." I say, hoping he'd get the hint and go away. "I always go to stores before they open, just to avoid the girls, I like to do some shopping without all people around me and mobbing me." He said while rolling his eyes, wow arrogant. And oh yeah, of course he is famous. I just nodded, not wanting to talk to him anymore. "You look beautiful though, Jay." He said and winked, making me blush. Shit shit shit shit he couldn't see me blush, this is bad, this is really really bad, what the hell is wrong with me?! "Thanks." I muffled, looking away really quick. "Aww Jay, are you blushing?" He cooed, now he's going to far. "Please just fucking leave me alone!" I yelled angrily, he immediately taking a step back. "Geez sorry, I needed to go anyways, see you later, gorgeous." He walked away quickly, just like the first time I saw him. I don't know what this boy is doing to me, but it isn't anything good. And I need to find out what is wrong with me quick.

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