Chapter eight

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Jay's pov.

What. The. Fuck am I doing? I'm kissing Harry. Fucking Harry and it's so wrong but it feels so right. So I just continue doing it. Things are getting pretty heated and I can feel, yes feel, Harry likes it too. I know I can't trust him. I can't trust anyone actually but I deserve some fun now and then right? Just what Jack said: "You could use some in your life" He said that an exact week ago now and I guess he was right. So fun is what I'm having right now, just kissing a boy. 

Yeah that isn't actually something you should be doing for fun at all, is it? Buw we were too caught up in the moment to actually care, until we heard footsteps coming from another room. Great, fucking fantastic. "Shit." Harry said while taking his lips from mine and I smirked at him. "Forgot you had company Harold?" I said while he climbed out of the jacuzzi. "No I didn't had any company before you came and I didn't expect anyone to come over either, but I have a pretty good idea who it is." He said.I was still laying in the jacuzzi, pretty relaxed while Harry seemed to freak out.

"Who is it? And you might want to cover that up before you go out." I said laughing, pointing to the obvious boner in his trunks. He groaned and put on a robe, tying it around his waist so that his little problem - well little... - didn't show anymore. I got up from the jacuzzi as well, not really caring anymore that I'm only in bra and panties. I'm perfectly aware of Harry's eyes on my body so I walked in front of him. "Like what you see Styles?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him. He gulped and handed me a robe as well. I quickly put in on and walked out of the room. He following me hot on my heels.

When I found the living room, I saw a boy sitting on the couch. He didn't seem to notice me so I quickly walked away and went in to the kitchen. I heard Harry talking to the boy but I decided not to listen to it, so instead I searched for foos in some cupboards. I found muffins and started eating them. Harry wouldn't mind if I did, right? No.

After a while I heard a door slam and figured that that maybe was the boy who's going away. I was about to stand up tp check when Harry walked in to the kitchen. "Hey you're eating those without me?" He asked half-pouting. I nodded. "Yes I am." I staded proudly. He chuckled and also grabbed a muffin. "So who was it?" I asked, intrested in who it was that just interupted our making out session. "Niall, he was bored so he thought he could come over, but I said I had things to do so send him back to his own appartment." He said smiling. Yes of course he has other things to do. Like kissing me.

"Yeah, sure you do." I said winking at him and he smiled. "Geez it's so hot in here." He said and he took his robe off, his "little-but-not-so-little problem" had calmed down now so it was alright. "Yeah I know sorry, I'll go home." I said and stand up to pretend I was about to go home. He laughed. "You're funny Jay, but no, you can spend the night here if you want, it's getting late and you probably don't want to drive home now." He said. I wouldn't mind to drive home right now but staying here sounds better. "You're right, would you mind if I stay here?" I asked him. He smiled at me. "Of course I won't mind. Is the couch alright? Because I don't have a guest bedroom." He asked worried. Aw. 

"It's fine, I slept perfect last time so it's alright." I smiled at him, showing I really don't care where I sleep. He nodded. "Do you want to sleep already or do you want to watch a movie? I don't really care." He asked awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. "Me neither, a movie is fine I guess." I shrugged. He nodded again and walked out of the kitchen. I followed him in to what I guess was his bedroom and frowned at him. "Do you want a shirt and sweatpants? I'm sorry I don't have any new bra and panties for you." He said, winking at me. I laughed. "Nah, the ones I'm wearing now are already dry, a shirt and sweatpants would be perfect. " I smiled. He handed me the clothes and I handed him the robe, his eyes of course studying my body before I put them on. I winked at him and walked out of the room, in to the living room.

After a few minutes he joined me on the couch, sitting on the opposite end. "Which movie do you want to watch? I have a lot." He laughed and walked over to a really big cupboard and opened it, showing all the movies he has. "Woah, ermm, I don't really care actually, you pick a good one." I said to him and made myself even more comfortable on the big couch. He did what he was told to do and after a few seconds he again joined me on the couch. I watched the television for a while before I felt my eyelids falling down. A few seconds later I fell asleep.

Harry's pov.

I watched her sleep for awhile. Her mouth hanging open slightly and quiet snores coming out of it. She's beautiful. I took the remote and pressed a button to switch the television off and walked in to my bedroom. I grabbed some blankets, walked back in to the living room and laid them over her body. She moved a little but didn't wake up. I sighed and went back in to my bedroom. Not bothering to brush my teeth, I'll do that in the morning. I switched off the lights and pulled the blanket over my head, feeling not so tired yet but hoping sleep would take over me quick. I thought some more about this... intresting evening and finally fell asleep. Dreaming about this girl with beautiful blue/green eyes and long blonde curly hair. 


I'll maybe write smut in the next chapters because @lailalaan wants me to. So be prepared.

- Fenne.

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