Chapter nine

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When I woke up in the morning I was still laying on the couch but now with my head on a comfortable pillow and a warm blanket on top of me. I heard some noices coming from the direction of the kitchen and decided to go and look if Harry was there, and also because I was hungry. I walked in to the kitchen and immediatly saw Harry standing in front of the stove, his back turned to me. I cleared my throat, causing him to turn around.

"Well goodmorning sleeping beauty." He said teasingly. I rolled my eyes at him and walked over to the table, sitting down on a chair. "Morning, what are you making?" I asked even though I already could tell he was making pancakes because of the smell. "Oh just pancakes, how did you sleep?" He asked me, flipping over a pancake. "Fine I guess, I'm getting a bit used to your couch now." I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah I thought so. Do you still want to hang out today or do you want to go home?" He asked, handing me a cup of coffee, just how I like it. I thanked him. "Nah, hanging out is fine, it's not like I have something else to do today and you promised to buy me lunch, so." He laughed at me, showing dimples. He really is hot. Why did that Niall dude had to fucking interupt us yesterday. We could've kept going though but that would've been just awkward with someone in the room just next to you. Hmm, maybe next time. Am I saying that I want to have sex with Harry? Maybe just for the fun. Not because I like him, obviously. I don't want to be friends with him. I don't need friends but just hanging out with Harry is nice, right? Not as friends, just keeping each other company, or something like that.

"Of course I'll buy you luch, but first pancakes for breakfast!" He smiled at me, handing me a plate full of delicious looking pancakes with syrup. I thanked him for the second time this morning and began eating. It was so good, just like the last time he made breakfast for me. "How come you're such a good cook Harold?" I asked him, smirking. He swallowed his food before answering. "Well, I used to live together in a appartment with Louis, and he couldn't cook for shit so it became kind of my task to cook for us. We had a lot of cookbooks and I always liked to go through them to find new recipes that I could try make for us. I enjoyed cooking, really." He told me and I nodded. A bit confused why he didn't just hire someone to cook for them, he has enough money you would think.

"Who's Louis?" I asked him, not really intrested but I had to keep the conversation going because otherwise it would get awkward. "Oh Louis is my bandmate." He said and oh yeah, that made sense. Of course would you live together with your bandmate. "Why don't you live together anymore then?" I asked him.

"He got a girlfriend." He said, his face suddenly turning in a sad frown. Why would you be upset by your mate having a girlfriend? I don't get it. "And why does that upset you?" I asked, knowing I'm being a nosy little shit but I just can't help but ask. He sighed. "We used to be best friends, like we had a special bond that we didn't had with the rest of the boys. The fans would always say we were in a relationship together and we would also always joke about it that we were. Until he got a girlfriend. He started saying that this "relationship" as the fans said was the biggest bullshit ever and stuff like that. He started acting all distant towards me when fans or camera's were around and he still does, that just upsets me." He told me, still with this sad frown on his face. "But it's okay though, we're still best mates, it's just when other people are around that he acts diffrent, I don't know why really." He added. I didn't really know how to respond because I'm not good with people's feelings at all. I don't have them, so...

"Well if it upsets you so much, why don't you just talk to him? I don't really see the point to be honest." I said, knowing it isn't very kind but I don't care. If he wants to talk about it with someone he should go to a psychologist. He sighed. "Let's just change the subject, what do you want to do today?" He asked and I'm really glad he changed the subject. "I don't know, you are taking me out somewhere." I said and winked at him. He chuckled. "Yeah I know, I know a little café just outside London where we can go to. There are never that much people and I don't really fancy being spotted by fans today." He said and I nodded. I keep forgetting that he is famous. "Okay, sounds good to me, but I first have to go to my appartment because I'm in desperate need for a shower and to change." I said and he laughed at me. "Sure love, shall I pick you up in a couple of hours then?" He asked. I nodded again and we said goodbye. I stepped in my car and drove home to change.


Very short chapter because I haven't update in ages. Sorry this is a stupid filler.

- Fenne.

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