Chapter five

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Jay's pov.

The next morning I woke up with a massive headache. I tried to sit up a bit and let my eyes adjust to the light, but when I took notice of my surroundings I didn't reckonize the place at all. I was on a couch in a living room with a blanket draped over me. Fuck, who the hell's appartment is this. I tried to remember things from yesterday but the only thing I remember was going to a club with the boys and downing one shot after another. Shit, I hope not that some random guy took me home and had some fun with me while I was totally oblivious to the situation, it had happend before and I had promised to myself after that that it wouldn't happen again, that I would take my drinking a little bit down, still getting drunk of course but not to the point that I wouldn't remember anything. Last night an exception because I thought the boys would take care of me maybe but obviously not, as I still was in some random guys appartment, great, fucking fantastic. I was desperate for an advil because my headache was absolutely killing me.

I stood up from the couch, immediatly grabbing the armrest from the couch to keep myself from falling because I was feeling incredibly dizzy. When I finally could see straight I walked around the appartment, trying to find a kitchen. Yes, the appartment was fucking huge. When I finally found the kitchen, I opened some cupboards in hope I found some advil, until a voice spoke, making me jump. "Goodmorning sunshine!" He said happily. I turned around to find Harry standing in the doorway. I immediatly felt relieved that I actually wasn't in some random guy's appartment, but that Harry probably took me back to his place because I was way too drunk to take care of myself. Him calling me sunshine made my heart flutter a little bit though, no one had ever called me that. Fucking heart of mine. "Jesus Harry don't do that!" I said while trying to breath normally again. Yes he actually did scare me. "I'm sorry love, didn't mean to scare you like that. Are you searching something?" He said chuckling and smiling sweetly at me. Damn those fucking dimples, it made me want to be nice to him. "Yes actually, I was searching for an advil because of my headache but because your kitchen is so fucking damn huge I couldn't find one." I said harshly, a bit moody because of my headache. No scratch that, I'm always freaking moody and harsh but I don't give fucking two shits. He raised his eyebrows at me. "I had already laid down some for you on the little table in the living room with a glass of water but you obviously missed that." He said winking at me. Oh well thats fucking embarrassing.

I quickly walked out of his kitchen to hide my red face from him. I was always one to blush or get red quickly but I didn't want to show him that. I didn't even thank him, I just downed the advil and waited for a little bit for my face to cool down before I walked back in the kitchen. It smelled absolutely delicious, I only now realized I was really fucking hungry. "I'm making us breakfast, I don't know if you like scrambled eggs and bacon, but I'm making that. I also have some cereal if you like that more." He rambled a bit nervously. Maybe he was nervous because I always am such a bitch to him while he's always trying to be sweet to me. Maybe I should just give this boy a chance. Or not. I don't know why I'm thinking about being nice to someone. Really, get your shit together Jay. "Erm, thanks I guess, scrambled eggs with bacon is absolutely fine." I smiled at him and he smiled back kindly. I was standing here a bit akwardly, not really knowing what to do. "You can sit down love, would you like some tea or coffee?" He asked me, turning around to look at me. "Coffee would be perfect, with lots of sugar please, thank you." I smiled at him, yes, an actually genuine smile. He turned around again, continuing on cooking breakfast and making my coffee. After a couple of seconds the coffee was already done. He handed me a cup with a smile and I immediatly sipped on it, absolutely loving the taste of the coffee. Much better than my shitty coffee machine thing back at my appartment.

A few minutes later and breakfast was done. He had also made some toast, it looked absolutely delicious. Harry shoved me a plate and told me I could put whatever I like on it. I thanked him and grabbed some toast and put the eggs and bacon on top of it. I took a bite and it was like heaven in my mouth. "Is it good?" He asked me hopefully. I looked up at him and faked a disgusted look. Immediatly a worried look flashed over his face. I laughed and he frowned at me. "Yes Harry, it's absolutely delicious, thank you. And not only for the breakfast and coffee, but everything. For taking me back to your place for a reason I don't know, but what I do know is that it probably wouldn't have ended well if you didn't. I don't remember much of the whole evening though." I said and sighed. Maybe I don't even want to know what happend. He chuckled. "It's my absolute pleasure love, and nothing bad happend, you're quite funny when you're drunk actually, you wanted to dance with me, so we did, and then I thought I saw some one making pictures of us, so we practically ran out of the club." I laughed at that. No wait, what? That's not funny at al. They're fucking famous and maybe those pictures are gonna be all over magazines and on the news. Oh my god. "What? That's not good at all, is it?" I asked, quite panicked. Shit, what the hell did I do, I probably danced like a slut because I was fucking drunk. No, this is not good at all, I already felt myself getting more and more angry. "Calm down Jay, I already called management because of it and they told me they would fix it if it actually was a pap making pictures of us, and besides, if it really was a pap, he would probably only make pictures of me because I'm in a club dancing with a girl. They don't care about who the girl is at all, they only care about making rumors about me having a girlfriend or something like that so they get money, extra money because they also have pictures as "proof"." He said, making air quotes with his fingers as he said proof.

It maybe made me a little bit more calm about it, but I was still freaked out and angry. "But you didn't do anything about it? You just kept dancing with me and probably made me grind even more against you?" I yelled in his face moving my hands in the air dramaticly. But he didn't seem fazed about my actions. "You were indeed grinding on me, but no, once I saw the man making pictures of us, I dragged you from the dancefloor and we quickly made our way out of the club." He said calmly, smiling slightly at me. I sighed. Harry did nothing wrong, I probably dragged him towards the dancefloor and made him dance with me in my drunk state, and he made us leave almost immediatly when he saw the man making pictures of us. It was not his fault. I never would've thought I'd say that it's not someone else's fault and that I'd admit it's actually my fault. "But management would fix it if anything would happen, right?" I asked him, trying to calm myself down now. I really don't know what it is about this boy, but he always seemed to make me not angry, or moody and he actually succeeds to make me smile some times. "Yes, exactly, they would fix it, so please try to not make it seem worse than it actually is love." He said standing up, taking our now empty plates and putting them in the sink. I nodded, knowing he's right. I don't want to make it seem worse than it actually is. I also noticed that he called me love a couple of times this morning, and I don't mind it at all. "Do you want another coffee Jay?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah sure, but could you please bring me to the gym after that so I could pick up my car? I actually want to go home and shower." I said. My headache was gone since I took the advil and had breakfast and coffee, but I really just want to go home and do nothing. "Yes of course." He smiled at me before he started to make my second cup of coffee for today.

Harry's pov.

After I brought Jay to the gym where her car was, I went back home and took a long hot shower. It actually confused me how nice she was this morning, and how well she took it when I told her about the pap. I really thought she would flip and scream at me, yelling at me why I didn't do anything about it. Of course she was a bit angry but she had the right to be, I wouldn't be happy either if I was her in this situation. She actually understood that it wasn't my fault and that really suprised me. Maybe she was changing? I don't know why, I only know her for a week but comparing this morning to last week she changed, for the better, she was nice to me and I enjoyed that. I think she is a really sweet, caring, funny girl behind that tough way she's acting to be. It only made me want to know more and more about her, why she is the way she is now. We exchanged numbers when I dropped her off at the gym. I really want to keep seeing this mystery girl, because I think we actually had a good time this morning, and yesterday at the club even though she was drunk. Maybe I'll text her tomorrow, if she wants to hang out next weekend, we'll see...

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