Chapter six

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Jay's pov.

On sunday I went to the gym again. When I parked my car in the parking lot I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket.

From Harry: Hey I'm looking at you right now ;-) x

Well that is fucking creepy. I quickly stepped out of my car and slammed the door shut. I turned around, to see Harry standing there leaning against his car. "Hey stalker." I said smirking and walking over to him. He smiled at me, dimples showing. "I'm not stalking you! I just parked my car and then I saw you." He defended himself, still grinning at me. "Yeah, yeah sure, you're just a creep Harold." I said, walking towards the entrance of the building, he followed me. "Harold? But okay I'll admit it, I'm actually stalking you." He said winking at me. This boy... "No but seriously, I just came here to work out really." He shrugged his shoulders. I sighed. "Oh yeah of course you do, that's why you are here." I said while he stepped inside, holding the door open for me. I thanked him and made my way over to the office thing where Jack always was. He immediatly smiled at me when I walked in. "Hello darling, ready to punch some bags today?" He said happily, standing up to hug me. "Darling, really Jack? And yeah, I'm definatly ready to do that."

Harry's pov.

I stood here in a corner, watching Jay and Jack training for a while. Seeing her swing her fists at the punching bag made me feel some kind of pity towards her. She seemed like she was imagining the punching bag as some one, but who, I really don't know. And I know if I'd ask her that, she would snap at me and yell it's none of my business. She always got really snappy if I asked something personally about her. She is always snappy actually, but even more when I asked her something too personal. She had this look of hatred on her face, like she hated the punching bag for doing something to her. She looked beautiful nontheless. I was already finished with my training schedule, and I was waiting for her to finish as well, so I could ask her if she would like to hang out with me next weekend.

I was looking forward to this week actually, me and the boys would be in the studio all week to record the songs for our new album. It was coming out great, and I really couldn't wait for our fans to hear it. Only two weeks left of recording and then we would have a month off, which I was looking forward to even more. I was planning on visiting my family or something like that because I haven't seen them in ages.

When Jack finally said to Jay they were done for today, I immediatly walked over to Jay to hand her a towel to clean her face from sweat. She thanked me and I winked at her, making her blush. She always tries to hide her blush from me but I notice it anyways. "Why are you still here Harry? I thought you were already done with training." She asked me, and I suddenly felt nervous to ask her about next weekend. "Well, I actually wanted to ask you something." I smiled slightly at her. "Umm, okay?" She seemed uncomforteble, maybe this isn't a good idea at all. "I thought... maybe we could.. umm nevermind." I stuttered awkwardly, feeling really embarrased now. But she chuckled at me. "You can ask me Harold, I won't bite your head off." She laughed, calling me Harold for the second time today. Normally I would absolutely hate it when some one called me Harold, even my mother couldn't call me that, but for some strange reason I didn't mind when Jay did. I sighed. "Would you like to hang out next weekend? Maybe go out for lunch or watch a movie or something." Here, I asked her. I saw something flash over her face what I didn't quite understand but then she started slowly nodding her head. "Yeah, sure, you're gonna pay lunch and I'll pick out a movie then." She smirked at me, but I didn't mind at all, I was just happy she said yes.

"Okay, I'll pick you up saturday if you text me your adress." I said to her, she nodded and smiled at me. "Sure, but you have to take me to a good place." She said smirking, oh damn right I'll take you to a good place. "Don't worry about that love, I'll see you saturday." I said winking at her. "See you Harold." She said and with that I walked away from her, to the parking lot, to my car and drove to my appartment.

Jay's pov.

I was now back at my own appartment, and I still couldn't believe Harry wanted to "hang out" with me. I didn't really know what to think of it at first but then I thought, maybe this could be fun. I've never done something like this before, never really hung out with a guy because basically all guys just bored me. But Harry was diffrent, he was funny and never made it seem awkward between us. Not to forget he's fucking hot. I slapped myself for thinking that and made my way over to my kitchen, trying to find some food. I found some left over spagetthi from yesterday and decided to just warm it up in the microwave, That's dinner for me. 

I was thinking about what to wear saturday, but then I remembered that I really shouldn't give a fuck about that, and just wear what I want to wear. When I finished my dinner I decided to take a long and hot shower. I still felt sticky from the sweat of working out today and I was really desperate for a shower. When I was done, I searched for my tesco jacket so that I wouldn't have to do it in the morning when I don't have much time. I also remembered that I had to text Harry the adress of my appartment but I decided that I would do that some time this week. At around 9PM I was tired and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I made myself comforteble in my bed and let sleep take over me.


Short chapter for the ones who read this, which is no one actually lol.

- Fenne.

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