Chapter 15

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Happy P.O.V

Uhhh... wait. If i'm gonna tell Lucy... there's a high chances that Natsu will overheard the conversation. It's too risky, i'll ask Lucy. It's saver for her and the dragons. "Haa..  it's gonna be lonely..." i sighed. I flew to Levy and whisper my plan to find out what happened with Natsu and the others.

~~~~~~~~~TimeSkip : 3 years~~~~~

With Lucy
3rd P.O.V

"LUCY! WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUM!" Stella pull Lucy out from the comfortable roll of blankets. "Noooo Let me sleep some more!!" Whine Lucy while holding onto the edge of her bed and Stella pulling her feet. Stella nodded at Aquo, Aquo blast a little tsunami of ice water to Lucy. "Gah! Cold!" In an instant Lucy let go her grip to the bed at the same time, Stella let go of Lucy's feet. Lucy fell faceplanted to the ground. "It hurts..." "well,that's what you get from being a lazy ass" "I hate you" "Love you too~ NOW GO TRAINING!" "But i already train all dragon slayer sand transformation magic... now let me sleep.. " Lucy crawled back to her bed that has been wet because of aquo's water attack.

"We have a suprise for you. So WAKE UP AND GET DRESSED OLD LADY!"  Grandeeney blow a gust of wind to Lucy and throw her to the bathroom. "Fine fine." Lucy said from inside of the bathroom.

~~~~~ TimeSkip : Still with Lucy~~~~~

Lucy P.O.V
"Lucy, i think its time for you to get back to earthland. Didn't you promise Happy to be back didn't you ?" Crystal said. "Yeah yeah i know i know." I said while telepathing with granpa telling him i'm gonna be back soon. Stella gave a row of keys. "What keys are these ?" Its in different type of colours and shape. "Its our keys" Igneel said. " dragons key? COOL!" I look at them in astonishment. " You can call us when you need us!" Blaze said cheerfully. I smiled "Sure! Thanks guys! Ready Cryst ?" "Yep!" Crystal sprout out her wings while i open the portal to earthland. "Don't forget your limiter!!" Stella shout while waving at the same time. "I wont!" I shout back.

Time to meet them again. "Aera!" I chanted and my golden coloured wings sprouted. "Let's go cryst!" "Aye!" We fly to the direction where fairy tail is.


At Fairy Tail guild

Happy P.O.V

I think its about time for Lucy to come back. I wonder how will the guild react. Everyone forgotten about Lucy, again.. they were shouting and yelling and fighting. The usual guild though.. Lucy.. i miss you..

Lisanna P.O.V

When are you coming back Lucy? You missed out so many things.. i miss you Lucy.. it has been 3 years since you gone. I wonder will you change or stays the same Lucy i know?

Levy P.O.V

Lucy when are you coming back ? I'm lonely without you chattering about your novel writing and how you would love to give me the copy of your stories. I miss you Lucy.. please come back soon..
"Huh ?" I feel someone patted me. "Don't feel down shrimp i miss bunny girl too.. but all we can do is waiting for her to come back. It-it's not like i hate seeing you sad or anything" Gajeel said. His Tsundere side is so cute! Wait Levy! What are you thinking ?? "Aww are you trying to cheer me up?" I teased him. "Shut up shrimp lets go on a job" Gajeel lift me up tand put me on his shoulder. " not a shrimp and stop dragging me out of nowhere for a job!! -_-"

Gajeel P.O.V

Levy looked down lately. Maybe she's thinking about bunny girl, it has been 3 years since we last saw her though. I pat Levy on the head
"Don't feel down shrimp i miss bunny girl too.. but all we can do is waiting for her to come back. It-it's not like i hate seeing you sad or anything" i feel heat creeping up to my cheeks but i turn my head so levy wont see them. "Aww are you trying to cheer me up?" Levy said teasing me with that cute voice of her. Wait what ? There's no way i' in love with Levy no.Way. I lift her and carry her like a sack of potato

"Shut up shrimp lets go on a job" i tried to distract her attention by brought her for a job.  " not a shrimp and stop dragging me out of nowhere for a job!! -_-" Somehow i can imagined her with her pouty face. I just smirked.

Mira P.O.V

I noticed Lisanna is staring at nothing. I guess she's thinking about Lucy. She did promise to come back didn't she? I hope she didn't change to the point i didn't recognize her.

Lucy P.O.V

When we are nearing fairy tail i lower my magic energy to the point that no one notice my presence. Me and crystal flew to granpa's office at the second floor. I slip in and yep, he didn't notice."Granpa~~" i said from behind him, Makarov. "Lucy! You could have gotten me a heart attack!" He smiled and hugged you "Have you told Laxus you were coming ?" "Nope i only told you" i grinned and use transformation magic to change my appearance. My golden-blonde with streaks are now ocean-blue meaning i use water dragon slaying magic as my main power. My eyes also turned blue. I now wore a red cloak. "Ready!" I said to granpa. "Okay then, lets re-introduced you Dragon Queen" Granpa emphasized the word dragon queen while i just giggled. I folowed behind granpa that walk to the edge of the 2nd floor. "Everyone listen up!" Granpa shout. In an instan everyone at the guild became silent.

Crystal jumped and stand beside granpa "Hello! I'm Crystal Ghite!" She introduced herself while i was searching for team Natsu. The are having whatsoever conversation. I smirked. "And now i'm gonna introduced you to the dragon queen!" Granpa smiled and code me to step forward. I step beside granpa and opened my cloak. I hear laughter in the guild i hold my anger down and stare emotionlessly at the whole guild. Laxus and the Raijunshuu looked suprised i mentally laughed at their expression. It's priceless!

"How can she be dragon queen ? I dont even feel her magic!" I just smirked i showed my hand where there's at least 5 limiter. I broke one of them and my power flowed out. My hair turned golden-blonde with streaksof colour of every dragon-slaying magic that i use. My eyes turned brown and my cloak dissapeared. I broke another one and all of them passed out. Really? I sighed and make two limiter and wear them again. I lower my magic level and they were awake again. "What the-" Gray said as soon as he wakes up.

I smirk "Remember me ? I'm the one you said TRASH and USELESS 3 years ago. Didn't you tell me that i'm weak and cannot defend my self. Now. Would the strongest team and S class Mage please test my strength?" I smiled sickly-sweet.


A/n : Long time not updating this story... its 1190 words. I'm suprised at myself. The vote may say ZerCy ending. But i will make NaLu RoLu and ZerCy ending. So there'll be 3 endings!

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