Chapter 3 [REMAKE]

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Previously Chapter 5-6 Part 1
Words count : 3094


Lucy's P.O.V

As soon as I'm out from the guild's hall. I ran as fast as I can to my house. I broke down again as I arrived in my house, crying like it's the last thing I'll do. I cried because of Natsu, the boy I love with all my heart. The boy who showed me the warmth of a family again, yet, he's also the one who showed me how cold your family became because of their thirst of power. I cried because of Erza, the woman who I have come to love like a big sister that I never have. I cried because of Gray, The man I have come to love like a big brother I never have. Natsu's right, I'm just a weakling, my power cannot be compared to the three of them. I'm useless when it comes to doing mission with them.

Loke showed himself without me summoning him, I guess it's true that celestial spirits can sense their master feelings. "Lucy, please don't think that you're weak nor useless. Without you, I wouldn't be here right now. I might have died that day if you didn't ask the celestial spirits king to give me one more chance." Loke said as he cupped my face and wiped my tears with his thumb. "Virgo, Aries, Scorpio, and Gemini might've still being treated as tool rather than friends like you did. Capricorn might still be possessed and can't return to the celestial world. You're newest key, the serpent, she might still going on a rampage if you didn't tame her. You've done so many things to help us, you love us like we're your family. You've never think of us as tools and treat us fairly like human being." Loke told me as I cried more, he pulled me into his arms and hugged me to comfort me.

"But-but you all don't deserve to be treated like tools even if you're different being from us humans. You can feel pain, you can feel sad, you can feel happy, you can feel emotions.." I sobbed as Loke still hugging me and pat my back to comfort me. "Shh, Lucy, out there, there is a lot of celestial mage who thinks of us as a tools, there are only a few mages who's like you. A mage who sincerely love and care their spirits." Loke said. He started to softly humming a lullaby as he rocks me in his arm. Slowly, I stopped crying and fell asleep in his arms.

Loke's P.O.V

After Lucy fell asleep, I carried her bridal style to her bed and tuck her under her blanket. I gritted my teeth feeling anger towards Natsu. I left Lucy's house and proceed to the guild. I kicked the guild's door causing a loud entrance. "Where is Natsu ?" I asked, I think my expressions is too scary that some of the guild members is trembling. "He's in the infirmary Loke." Mira answered, I can see her eyes red and a bit swollen. I think she had calmed down. "My purpose to come here is to tell Lucy's best friends that us, Lucy's spirit, is really glad that she had friends like you guys and thank you for defending her." I said as I calmed down, I'm still mad, but not as much.

"I'm not being sent here by Lucy, I came here by my own will." I clarified before I walked to the infirmary. I saw Natsu lying on the infirmary bed with bandages all over his body. "You're such and idiot Natsu. How does it feel ? to have no one caring about you ?" I asked him mockingly. "Tch, they didn't care about me only for a while, sooner or later they will care about me again. Seriously ? Lucy is such a bitch that she needs her spirits to talk to me." Natsu laughed. I punched him right in the face, He has no rights to insult Lucy when he didn't even know what she had done to improve herself. "Lucy didn't know I came here, so just shut your mouth and enjoy your stay in the infirmary Salamander" I said coldly before disappearing back into celestial realm.

~~~~Flashback : While Lucy is being comforted by Loke~~~~

3rd P.O.V

After Lucy left the guild, the guild opened revealing 4 mages. The 4 mages is Laxus, Freed, Evergreen, and Bixlow who just come back from the mission. "What's going on here ?" Laxus asked as he looks at the group of people who is crying. They are Lisanna, Mira, Wendy, Levy, Juvia, Charles, and Happy. Phanterlily is comforting Charles and Happy, while Gajeel comforting Levy. Natsu, Gray, and Erza had been silent, standing near them. Lisanna decided to speak up as she feels guilty and that she's at fault for Lucy quitting the guild.

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