Prologue [REMAKE]

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A/N : You can skip this part if you want. The difference with the previous version is my style of writing, amount of words, and grammar. I'm writing the remake version with my laptop, so i'm sorry if the paragraph became too long to read using mobile phones


"Lucy! Time to take a bath!" A woman with blonde hair that tied into a bun called out to her daughter. "Wait a bit more mama! I'm almost mastering this spell that Stella taught me!" The little girl responded. "It's good that Lucy is excited about studying magic Layla." Another woman with golden-blonde hair said to the litte girl mother. "But it's not good to push herself too far from her limit, she's still a child. Besides, we have much time before the time for her to confront him" The mother said worriedly as she watch her daughter. "Yay! I did it Mama!" The little girl said as she run to her mother's direction. "Great job darling! But don't push yourself too far alright? You have a lot of time to learn!" Her mother said said as she bent down to carry the little girl in her arms. "okay~" the little girl giggled as she clung to her mother dress.

"Lucy, in the future, you might get hurt from the one you love the most. By the time it happened, search and find Stella okay ?" The mother said to her daughter. "Sure Mama, but why Stella ? Why not you Mama ?" the little girl asked as she feels confused. "You'll know later in the future.." Her mother smiled. She needed to tell her daughter before her memories is erased and lock her daughter original power away making her can only use her celestial power.


"Mama!! Don't leave me and Papa! Please!!" The little girl, who is now a year older, cried and screamed at the top of her lungs. Her mother is lying on the bed, on the verge of death because of an unknown disease. "It's okay darling, I'm not gonna leave. I'll always be by yours and your father heart" The mother smiled as she weakly wiped her daughter tears. "No! I want you to be here by my side! Alive and healthy, smiling like you usually do!" As the girl cried more, her father hugged her in attempt to comfort.

It pained her heart to see her daughter crying, but what has to be done must be done. Even if she has to sacrifice her own life/ she will do it to secure her daughter future. "Stella, please... Do it now.." The mother said to another blonde woman who had been silently crying, watching by the family side. "Forgotten magic..." The woman take a deep breath before focusing her power towards the hugging family. "Erase Memories.." she chanted. A bright light surrounded the four of them, as the light dims down, so does the mother's life. The three living people cried their hearts out because of losing one of their most important people in their life.

The Mother who had died is Layla Heartfilia
The Daughter or the little girl is Lucy Dreyar-Heartfilia
The Woman who erased Lucy's memories is Stella
The Father who is also in the room in Jude Heartfilia


I know i said i'm going to publish the remake version after i finished all of my school stuff. And tomorrow i actually have my final exam before my school announce our graduation.

After this it will be around 3-5 month of full hiatus because of college entrance test and getting used to new environtment. I'll try to write the remake version when i have time. And please don't ignore the author note i'll put at the top of the story in later chapters because i might combine some chapters.

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