Chapter 2 [REMAKE]

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Previously Chapter 4
Words count : 2743


Lucy's P.O.V

I keep thinking over and over about what had happened earlier. Why did Lisanna cried and apologizing to me ? I don't think she had done something bad to me. And who are "they"? why did Lisanna said she's apologizing because she can't stop them. I didn't realized that I already arrived at my apartement and almost bumped to the front door. I sighed as I took my keys and unlocked the door. I should think about it later, as of now, I need to pack my clothes.

I take my pink suitcase from under the bed and started to pack some clothes that could last for a week or more. After I finish packing, I went to my study desk and write the final chapter of the novel I've been working on. I was planning to give it to Levy as soon as I finish it. But, she's on a mission with Gajeel, and I got a solo mission too.

"Finally!" I stretched my stiff muscle after I finish writing the ending of the story. "Wow, so much time has passed..." I said to myself as I saw the sky had gone darker through the window. I stood up and closed the window before grabbing a white towel from the shelf. "A nice warm bath will be nice.." I mumbled to no one as I filled the bathtub with warm water and some soap so it would be a bubble bath. I kinda miss seeing Natsu broke into my house, I got used to it.

I twisted the tap as the tub is filled. I dropped a lush with lavender scent as I stripped my clothes. I went it the tub and sighed as the warm water plus the scent makes me relaxed. Well, my body is relaxed, but not my mind. I re-think what had happened lately, the guild ignoring me, Lisanna crying and apologizing. And most of all, I miss Natsu, Gray, and Erza. Did I do something wrong? They didn't even spare a glance at me.

By the time my train of thought stopped, the water had gone cold. I drained the tub and rinse my body using the shower. I dried myself and put on some comfortable clothes before falling into a dreamless sleep.

~~~~~TimeSkip : After The Mission~~~~~

I arrived at my apartement around the evening. When I'm back, the landlady is waiting in front of my door. "I'm sorry, you should've waited inside.. Here's the payment for this month" I said politely as I pay her the amount needed. During the time the guild started to ignore me, I get closer to the landlady. "Nah, I just arrived a few minutes ago. Thank you for the payment. Get some rest" The landlady pat my shoulder before bidding goodbye. "I will, thank you." I responded as I waved at her. I went in my apartement an took a quick shower before going to sleep into another dreamless night.

The next morning, I wake up quite early. I do my morning routine that consist of exercising and running around the block. After I finished, I took a quick shower and went to the guild. I was a bit excited since I want to tell Levy that my book is finished. And maybe, just a little hope that Natsu, Erza, and Gray will acknowledge my presence.

I arrived at the guild quite early since there are only a few people in the guild. "Morning Mira!" I greet Mira as I took a seat at the empty stool. "Morning Lucy, how's the mission?" Mira asked me as she was wiping some glass. "The mission is average I guess. It was actually a silver key that had been corrupted by darkness. That's why they said her weakness is a celestial wizard." I told her. "Oh! The spirit must be a female then! That's quite a bonus you got there Lucy" Mira smiled. "I think I'm just lucky, do you want to meet her ?" I asked excitedly. "Sure! And today is Vanilla right?" Mira asked. I nodded, confirming her question. "Yep! Thank you Mira!" I smiled. As Mira is making my milkshake, I took out my new silver key. "Open! Gate of the Serpent!" I chanted. A yellow magic circle glowed in front of my key, forming a figure of a snake. An albino cobra with average size showed up.

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