Chapter 16

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Lucy P.O.V

" So? How about that ? Me vs strongest mage at Fairy Tail?" I smirked. "What ??" The guild says in chorus. "Oh and 1 more suprise!" I ran to Laxus and hug him. "Sorry i've forgotten about you Laxus-nii, ever-nee, freed-nii, bickslow-nii" i smiled. "Aww only Laxus ?" Evergreen said. I giggled and hugged all of them. "I'm Laxus cousin" i announced. "......" Silence, but they are all jawdropping. "Granpa! Can you be the referee of the fight?" I jumped to stand next to Makarov.

"Sure, but do it outside! Or anywhere as long as i don't need to pay the damage you cause" "Ok! Can all of you follow me ? Eh... on second thought.. " I snap my finger and we were teleported to Dragon Cliff. "Lets fight here!" I smiled.

"Really Lu? I dont want to fight you" Laxus said looking bored. "We also dont want to Lu" freed groaned. "Pleaseee! Just think of it as a training pretty pleasee" i puppy-dog eyes at them. "Fine Lu" Ever said. "Yay!" "But Luce! We dont want to fight you.." whine Salamander.  "Oh please Salamander-san! Didn't you enjoy fighting?" I saw him flinched at his nickname. "Lucy, do you really sure about this ?" Mira asked me, looking worriedly at me. "Yep! I'll be fine!".

"Oh! I forgot can All of the dragon slayer in this area please join the fight vs me ?" I shouted. Why i shouted? I smell Rogue and Sting's scent i'm sure they'll hear me. 5....4....3...2....1... 0... "what about dragon slayer ?" I turn around and smiled widely. "Sting! Ro-kun!" I waved. "Fairy tail?" I ran to them and smiled. "Remember me ?" I grinned. "Wait, Lu?" Rogue ask "Yep! I got my memory and real hair back!" "So that's why you didnt recognize us at GMG" Sting rubbed his chin as in deep thought. "You're the one that forget about her Sting" Rogue said. "Well it's in the past! Let's catch up later! Please fight me?" "Training?" "Yep! Come on Sting! Ro-kun! I want to prove that i'm not weak!" "Wait what ?" Sting and rogue said in chorus. "I'll tell you later!" I dragged them to the place where we would fight. Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, Gray, Mira, Erza, Laxus, Evergreen, Bickslow, Freed, and now added with Sting and Rogue.

"Ready? Now whoever fall and not standing back up after 5 second lose" Makarov said. "Wait! We want to watch!" I saw Stella and Poise i glared at them. Making them kinda flinched. "Fine! Lets just start!" Makarov said "Now! FIGHT!"

"Attack me with all you can!" I said standing on my ground.

3rd Pov

"FIRE/SKY/IRON/ DRAGON ROAR!!" "Blumenbaltt! Dance my blade!" Erza sent 5 sword at my direction. "(I forgot what the name of Mira's attack)" "ICE MAKE: UNLIMITED" "HOLY SHADOW DRAGON FLASH FANG" Sting and Rogue do their unison raid while the raijinshuu and Laxus walk away and waved. All of that attack arrived at Lucy at the same time. While Lucy ? She's just standing there eating their attack.

All of them jawdropping except Sting and Rogue. "How the heck did she just do ?" Gajeel starred in disbelieve. "Mm.. thats some delicious attack you got there" Lucy smiled "My turn" Lucy jumped up and sprout her wings to fly up "this should do" "CELESTIAL HOLY BLAST!" Lucy combined Celestial and light dragon attack. And with that one attack all of the layed there, Sting ate a part though. "LIGHT DRAGON ROAR!" "SHADOW DRAGON ROAR" Lucy's and Sting attack clashed making the audience flinched at the scene. Lucy somehow already pinned Sting down, Sword on her hand nearing Sting throat. " I win" Makarov look at the time. "5 minute Good job Lucy!" Fairy Tail members cannot believe their eyes. Just one massive attack most of them are badly hurt. "How about that ? Still weak for you ?" Lucy smirked. "Granpa! I'm going to join sabertooth!" Lucy said while healing everyone she attack. "WHAT ???" the guild said in chorus. Not believing their own hearing Lucy Heartfilia wait, correct that Lucy Dreyar-Heartfilia is willingly joining Sabertooth.

Lucy P.O.V
"Sure! Make sure you visit Fairy Tail!" Makarov said smiling. "WHAT?? MASTER ARE YOU SERIOUS??" Seriously i'm gonna be deaf sooner or later. "Wait. I need to show you guys something". "Ōpun! Faiadoragon no Getò Igneel ! Sukaidoragon no getó Grandeeney ! Tetsuryū no getó Metalicana ! Hikari ryū no getó Weisslogia ! Kageryū no getó Skiadrum ! Ningen no katachi!" [Open! Gate of the fire dragon Igneel! Gate of the sky dragon Grandeeney! Gate of the iron dragon Metalicana! Gate of the light dragon Weisslogia! Gate of the shadow dragon Skiadrum! Human form!] I summoned all o them in human form.

Igneel : He has a long red hair with pink at the tips and neon green eyes that looks like dragons. (A/n : well he is originally a dragon)

Grandeeney : she looked like a younger porylusca (a/n : please corrected the name if i am wrong 😅)

Metalicana : He has a black-ebony hair that is longer than Gajeel's hair. He has gray-black-ish eyes that has the shape of darker slits in the middle. Of course he has piercings almost everywhere.

Weisslogia : He has a lighter blonde than Sting and he has a golden-white-ish orbs.

Skiadrum : being a shadow dragon he is he has a black hair that reached his shoulder and tied into a ponytail, he has a black colored orbs.

Poise : She has a red as blood hair with a streak of green that reached her shoulder. She has a heterochromatic orbs, a red and green orbs.

All of them wearing a royal but casual clothes

"Meet 1/4 dragons! The Fire dragon ,Igneel. Sky dragon, Grandeeney. Iron dragon, Metalicana. Light/Holy dragon, Weisslogia. Shadow dragon, Skiadrum." I introduced them, once again they laughed.

"Are you kidding me ? Aren't they just your spirit that you dressed up?" I heard one of them said. Honestly, they never learned. But, all the dragon slayer are awe-struck. Of course who wouldnt suprised to see their adoptive parent that taught them magic, they wouldn't forget their scent will they? "Ojou-sama, what do you summon us for ?" Weisslogia asked me calmly but i heard a hint of anger laced in his voice. "Nothing~ just want you guys to reunited with your sons and daughter" i smiled. "Stella! Poise! Can you please take your other form?" The guild look at me confused.

"As you wish" Stella jumped down the cliff and flew back up in her dragon form. She bows to me,Poise soon followed Stella and turn into a red and green scaled dragon. "Need more proof?" I smirked (A/n : Yes i do realize Lucy is smirking a lot more than she usually is). "You can go back now!" All of them nodded and turned back to go in the realm. I cleared up my throat "Just for Stella and Poise please!" "What do we need to be here for ? We've watched your fight Lu" whine Igneel, he seriously had a lot of common with Natsu. "Greet your adoptive children of course!" "C-can we ?" Wendy asked me in disbelieve. "Of course! Why else do i summon them?" I smiled. Wendy ran amd hugged Grandeeney "Youve grown a lot Wendy" Grandeeney smiled.

"Enjoy your-oof!" Something blue and flying hit me. "LUCYYYY WHY YOU GONE SO LONGG!!" Cried Happy. "Sorry i've been gone for three years." Mira,Lisanna,Elfman,Levy, Carla, Phanterlily ran towards me. "Lucy!!! We miss youu!!" They all glomps me to the end of the cliff. "Eh.... AERA!" I sprout out my wings and bring them back up the cliff. "I miss you guys too, sorry about not joining Fairy Tail again"i smiled sheepishly. "No, i understand what you mean Lu-chan!" Lisanna smiled and hugged me. "Well, i don't even know if i will join any guild anyway. I did say i'm going to join Sabertooth but I have a mission as the queen of dragons and stars." I smiled sadly knowing what will my fate will be. "Wahhh promise You'll visit us!!" They all hugged me. "I promise! I'll miss you guys too.." i hugged them back.

I telepathy the dragons i summon and told them they can go back if they want.


A/N : Next chapter is gonna be a special chapter about the dragons and their children reunion chap. Please wait till the next update!


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