Chapter 8: Betrayal

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A/N: Before we start this chapter, I would like to apologise for the delay. I have been busy with school stuff lately. I am very sorry and I hope you guys can understand. So now, on with the chapters!

Next Morning, Foot Headquarters

"Bradford, I shall come with you, Xever and the turtles tonight, to witness the capture of the pathetic turtle." "I see, Master Shredder." "The turtle has slipped through our fingers several times, Bradford. I shall come and bear witness to his capture. I want him alive, so that we can get the location of Hamato Yoshi out of him. Hamato Yoshi will be destroyed!" "Yes, Master Shredder." The 3 turtles heard about it and frowned at each other. What will they do now?

That Night

"So, you guys know about the plan?" "Yeah, Red." "Yes, April." "Ok, so we will....Shhhhh, someone's coming." The 3 hid as they heard footsteps approaching. "According to these calculations, they should be right" "Good." Fishface bared his teeth as he grinned. "Now, we can finish them off. Piece by piece." "Yes." Bradford smiled as well. Raph glared at Rahzar when Rahzar wasn't looking. He was still angry at him for hitting his baby brother.

Mikey, April and Casey looked down from the rooftops. "What are we waiting for? Let's take these freaks down!" "Hold on, Casey! Something's........not right here. It's feels though someone is watching us." "Hmm....But we have to follow the plan, right?" "Yeah..." "Then what are we waiting for, Red? Let's take them down!" "Well, ok....." "Let's go, dudes!" "Yeah, let's go!" Mikey smiled and followed Casey. "GOONGALA!" "BOOYAKASHA!" "Finally, they are here!" Fishface grinned. "Indeed! Time for some action!" Bradford agreed.

Mikey used his nunchucks to hit Rahzar straight in the face. Rahzar was stunned for a moment, before Mikey kicked him straight in the chest. Rahzar climbed back up and was ready to pounce at him, but Mikey waited for the right moment before allowing Rahzar to hit on the wall straight-on. Rahzar was knocked out immediately. Fishface was a challenge for Casey and April to handle at first, but April managed to use her tessen at the right moment to stun him and Casey used electricity to shock him. He was knocked out as well.

Just then, Leo stepped forward and unsheathed his katana blade. "Leo, w-what are you doing?" Leo was holding his blade and pointing it at Mikey's chin. "It's time to meet your doom, Michelangelo." "Dude, what......I thought we had a plan." "There IS NO PLAN." Leo struck Mikey and managed to cut him on the wrist. "I'm sorry, baby bro." He thought sadly as he saw Mikey clutching his hand. "Maybe there is." Leo said with a blank look on his face. "Which is to take you and Hamato Yoshi down once and for all!" Mikey was slashed on the leg as well. Raph and Donnie came and injured him further. Raph was forced to stab him using his sais to stop him from moving further. Donnie tied him up. April and Casey were confused and angry, but Leo tied them up as well.

"Well done, turtles." Mikey shuddered at the familiar voice. "I am proud of your success." "Thank you, Master Shredder." The Shredder! Mikey tried to untie himself, but the rope was too strong. "If it isn't the pathetic son of Hamato Yoshi." "You won't get away with this, Shredder!" "I would have finished you off myself, right here and right now, turtle. I would have called the other turtles to finish you off as well." Raph was gritting his teeth silently.

"However, there is a reason why I need you alive, turtle. Consider yourself lucky that I decided to spare your life....for now." He turned towards Leo and Donnie. "Release them. We have no use for them." As April and Casey got released, Leo secretly gave April an envelope. "Give this to Master Splinter." April widened her eyes. If they still acknowledged that Master Splinter is their sensei, something was obviously wrong. She took Casey immediately and ran off. "You freaks! To think that I have trusted you....." "Casey, let's go...NOW!" She dragged Casey by the arm and ran off.

"Bring him back to Headquarters." The 3 turtles nodded as they dragged their baby brother back to the Headquarters. They all felt guilty towards their baby brother. They hurt him, not just physically, but also, mentally. They just betrayed Mikey. "I'm so sorry, Mikey. I am so sorry." Donnie thought.

Foot Headquarters

"WHERE IS HAMATO YOSHI?!" "I will never tell you!" "Wrong answer." He was whipped again. The Shredder had interrogated him for an hour now. Mikey remained silent and refused to spill the beans. His bros winced at every strike he took. "I will ask you again, turtle. WHERE IS HAMATO YOSHI!" "I WILL NEVER TELL YOU!" Mikey shouted. The Foot Soldier whipped him again. Mikey winced in pain. "Master Shredder." Tiger Claw suddenly came in. He stole a glance on the injured turtle.

"What is it? Can't you see that I am in the middle of an interrogation here?" He asked impatiently. "The Purple Dragons wanted to see you, Master Shredder. They said something about making a deal with you regarding a section of Chinatown that they are currently in charged of." "Hmm....." He pondered for a moment. "Very well. I will go over there, personally. Raphael." Raph bowed. "I order you to lock this turtle up in a cell." "Yes, Master Shredder." "Foot Soldiers will go over there in a few moments. In the meantime, guard him." "Yes, Master Shredder." Raph bowed, took Mikey with him and left.

He gritted his teeth. How dare the Shredder hurt Mikey? When Raph arrived at his cell, he walked into the cell. He looked in horror at all the whip marks that was left on Mikey. When he gingerly touched one, Mikey will groan in pain. Mikey frowned at Raph warily and would wince at every pain he felt. Raph felt more heartbroken at every groan he heard. What had he done? Tears fell from his eyes.

Mikey was taken aback at Raph's tears. "Raph, why are you....?" Raph hugged Mikey instantly. "Mikey...I'm so....I'm so sorry." "Dude, what...." "The plan backfired, Mikey. The Shredder decided to come. We....We had to. We can't arise any suspicions from the Shredder. I'm sorry, Mikey. I'm so sorry." Mikey's eyes widened. No wonder his brothers betrayed him. The Shredder was watching all along.

"Dude, it's ok. I...I just...." Tears fell from Mikey's eyes as well. He was frightened. When his bros betrayed him, he felt as though he was in the nightmare all over again. His brothers betraying him, and Master Splinter was no where in sight. "Don't cry, Mikey." Raph wiped his tears off. "Leo, Donnie and I will come up with a plan, alright? We will escape from his clutches together, little brother. I promise." Mikey nodded his head. They hugged each other very tightly.

Just then, they heard footsteps approaching. "It must be the Foot Soldiers. Goodbye, Mikey." Raph whispered as he let go of Mikey. Mikey nodded wistfully as he saw Raph leaving and the Foot Soldiers taking over. Everything is going to be alright. His bros will fix everything. Raph promised. Mikey fell asleep soon after.

At around 2 am, late at night, a turtle waited until there was no one in the Foot Prison except for the Foot Soldiers. He waited until they left for a while to exchange shifts. Donnie sneaked into the cell and examined Mikey's injuries. "Oh my gosh....." He commented as he saw Mikey's whip marks all over his body. "Oh, Mikey...." He carefully pulled Mikey close to him. "I'm so sorry, Mikey. We...We will fix this....You won't be alone. Not now, not ever."


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