Chapter 7: You're Not Alone

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M, C and A's Side

"Woah, what happened? I felt like as though something just hit me." He then opened his eyes to find that he was in Donnie's lab bed. "Mikey? MIKEY!" Casey and April ran towards him. "How are you feeling, Mikey?" "Ugh....fine, except when I try to move." "You have mild dizziness, Mikey. Try not to make sudden movements." "Yeah, dude. You are lucky not to get a concussion after that hit. That hit looked like it can crack your skull or something." Casey said and shuddered.

"Don't worry, guys, I am ok. I have a hard head anyways." Mikey managed a weak smile. "Well, we are glad you're not seriously hurt, Mikey." "Thanks, April. Um....What happened during that fight against Rahzar? The last thing I remembered is when he hit me hard on the rooftop. How did I end up back here anyways?" "Um....Mikey, Raph hit him hard on the back, and managed to catch you and prevent you from falling from the roof." "I fell from the roof? Wow...." Mikey frowned.

"Yeah, Mikey, luckily Raph managed to get back into his senses to save you." "Well, that's good to hear. Raph is no longer in the Shredder's control." "Yeah, it's good." "It does sound good. Hey, Red, have you told Mikey about the plan yet?" "Oh, I forgot. Thanks, Casey. Mikey, Leo and the others came up with a plan to take down the Shredder." "Oh, cool! So, what's the plan?" Mikey widened his eyes. "Well, it's like this......"

"Ok, so we strike tomorrow?" "Yeah, Mikey, we strike first thing tomorrow night." "Ok." "You better get some rest, Mikey. If you need us, just give us a shout." "Ok, Sis." Mikey smiled broadly. April chuckled before she closed the door. Casey left the room as well. Just then, he felt that someone is calling out to him on the spiritual plane. "Wait a minute....Why am I feeling 3 someones on the spiritual plane? Could it be?" He immediately sat on the bed with a lotus position and meditated. When he opened his eyes, he couldn't believe his eyes. "Bros?"

Foot Headquarters

"WHAT!" The Shredder was furious. "You failed in your assignment to eliminate that turtle and his pathetic family?" "Master Shredder, someone attacked me from behind. I seems that his rat master came to save that turtle, Master Shredder." "Then why didn't you all eliminate Hamato Yoshi when you had the chance?" "Master Shredder, he was too strong to defeat. My brothers and I tried to take him down, but he was too strong. He managed to escape with the turtle, Master Shredder." Leo said.

"Hmm....." Master Shredder pondered for a moment. "Hamato Yoshi is indeed a strong warrior when it comes to the battlefield. I will send out Xever the next time you encounter the turtle and Hamato Yoshi. They must be destroyed!" "Yes, Master Shredder." They bowed before proceeding out of the throne room. The 3 turtles waited until they were certain that they were out of earshot, before starting to speak.

"That was too close." Raph admitted. "Yeah, I think we have the Shredder and Rahzar fooled for a while. However, if Fishface is going to join our merry little battle tomorrow, it may make the plan difficult to carry out." "We still have to get carry it out, Leo. We have to keep Mikey and Master Splinter safe from the Shredder. We can't drag them to their demise." Donnie said. "Yeah, I know, Donnie, but...." "Don't worry, Leo. If they dare to touch any of them, we will attack them all the same." "You're right, Raph." "Guys, I am worried about Mikey. Is he ok?" "Only one way to find out. Donnie, you contacted him through the spiritual plane, right?" "Yeah, why don't we do that right now?" They decided to give it a try in their shared room.


"MIKEY!" The 3 turtles immediately rushed towards him. Donnie instinctively examined him. "Mikey, are you ok? Are you hurt?" "I am ok, Don. April and Casey told me that I was lucky to not get a concussion." "GRRRRR......" Raph growled. "The next time I see that foul excuse of a dog, I will....."

"Raph, now it's not the time. Besides, we can't arise any suspicion from the Shredder and anyone else from the Foot." "......Fine." Raph reluctantly agreed with Leo and sat down beside him. "Mikey, did April tell you about the plan?" "Yeah, she did. Why? Is there something wrong?" Mikey frowned. "Mikey....the Shredder is gonna send Fishface out to take you and Master Splinter." "What? Oh shell...." "Yeah, Mikey, but don't worry, if that fish-for-brains ever laid a finger on you, we'll take him down." "Thanks, guys." "You're welcome, Mikey. After all, what are brothers for?" Leo smiled at him.

Mikey giggled. "So, Mikey, how is everyone when we were away? How's Master Splinter?" "He's good, dude. He's just worried about you bros. He's worried that the Shredder will hurt you or something." "Oh...." Leo's shoulders slumped when he heard about their master worrying about them. "Mikey, tell Master Splinter that we are fine, and we will all escape from the Shredder's clutches." "Ok, Donnie." Mikey smiled broadly.

"What about you, Mikey? How's the nightmares?" "Uh, they are OK! Thanks for asking!" "Don't lie, Mikey. You knew I was there at 4 am that night. I heard you having one, Mikey. So, Mikey, how are they?" "They...are...." Seeing Leo's face of consternation, Mikey suddenly broke down and cried. Donnie hugged him and rubbed Mikey's shell affectionately. "Shhhhh....It's ok, Mikey. Just tell us, it will help you." "It will?" "It will, Mikey." Leo agreed. "Sigh....fine. I was all alone in this dark area. There's no light, not even a small speck. I tried calling out for you, bros, but you never answered. I was all alone. I don't wanna be alone anymore...." Mikey sobbed.

Immediately, everyone comforted him. Raph was putting a hand on his shoulder, Donnie put his hand on his other shoulder and Leo forced Mikey to look into his eyes, wiping his tears at the same time. "Mikey, we will never leave you and you will never be alone, do you hear me?" He asked Mikey gently. Mikey nodded his head before allowing Leo to hug him tightly. Just then, voices were heard.

"Oh no, that guy must be coming again....Mikey, we have to go, but we will be all together again. The Shredder will pay." Mikey nodded his head and smiled. Raph and Donnie took turns to hug him. "Don't worry, bro, I won't let anyone hurt you." Raph solemnly promised as he hugged Mikey, before exiting the spiritual world. "Mikey, we will all be together again. Remember this, Mikey, you will never be alone." Mikey returned the hug as tightly as he could. The nightmare will end, he is sure of it.

As he exited the spiritual world, he opened his eyes, finding that he is still in his room. "Thanks bros." He smiled, before creeping off to sleep. "Good night bros." A warm breeze blew, as though it was carrying his thoughts to his brothers. He sighed and closed his eyes. The nightmare will definitely end.


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