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This story will always be in Bella's pov unless it says otherwise.

Disclaimer: all rights go to Stephenie Meyer. I do not own Twilight.

While this story is being edited there are a few name changes that are being fixed. You'll see Gemma and Maeve but also Leelah and Raina, which were the original names but I've since decided I didn't like them. If you see two different names that's why, the errors will be fixed once all of the chapters are done being edited. X

"What, no complaint about how fast I'm driving?" Edward asks while glancing over at me from the drivers seat.

We're on our way to his house, apparently they have something important to discuss. Although I don't know why I have to be there, it was made very clear that I'm not a part of their family.

"I like driving fast actually," I mumble.

"Since when?" He questions with a frown.

Since you left me to die in the middle of the forest and I became an adrenaline junkie.

Shrugging my shoulders I gaze out the window, watching the green scenery that I can just barely make out in the dark.

Things haven't really been the same since the Cullen's came back. He hurt me by leaving, they all did. The things he said proved that I wasn't as important to them as they were to me. I really loved him, key word being loved. Him leaving has also made me realize many things, the most important being that we are not meant to be together. I thought that I wanted us to be, but things are different now. My eyes have been opened to a multitude of things, as well as people.

My eyes water a blink rapidly, sniffling and looking down. The last thing I wanted was for him to notice I was almost crying, that would bring endless questions.


"Hm?" I lift my head up, looking over at him.

"Why are you crying?"

I look back out the window, noticing that we're at his house and sigh before answering.

"It's nothing," I say while opening the car door.

He's in front of me the second I stand up but I step around him.

"What's wrong?" He asks with exaggerated concern.

"I told you it was nothing, drop it." I snap at him.

His eyes widen slightly at my tone and he gently cups my cheeks. Too gently; he might as well not even be touching me. I move his arm out of the way and walk inside.

Everyone is staring at me with badly hidden surprise. Of course Rosalie is sporting her usual glare. Though, for once it's not directed at me, it's directed towards Edward.

When she finally looks away from him, she looks at me. Her lips twitch upwards when our eyes meet and I get a weird feeling in my chest, like something is pulling me towards her.

Feeling anxious, I step away from Edward and take a few steps toward her instead.

After what felt like minutes but must have only been a few seconds, we're snapped out of our trance by Edward growling. Why is he growling?

Before I can even count to three, I'm backed into a corner. I immediately look down at the person growling and frown in confusion. Rosalie was crouched protectively in front of me while growling and hissing.

My eyes dart around the room, landing on Alice who has a knowing look on her face.

"Bella, you need to calm her down." Alice's expression changes to urgency when Rosalie shows no signs of stopping.

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