mothers day - bonus chapter

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Bella's bouquet in the picture above. It won't let me put two pictures in the chapter for some reason.

Waking up to the smell of breakfast being made downstairs, Rosalie strokes my waist.

"Gem and Mae are cooking you breakfast," She tells me with a soft smile. "It's been interesting to hear them figure out how." She chuckles.

As if summoned, the girls come into my room with a tray of food and flowers.

"What's all of this for?" I ask them with a smile, confused but happy.

"It's Mother's Day!" Maeve grins before Gemma takes the lead on explaining.

"As you already know we don't have a mom, so we talked about it and decided to do something special for our mother figures in our lives."

My eyes are watery by the time she's done and I open my arms, "Come here, you two." They set the food and flowers on the edge of the bed-Rosalie grabbing the orange and setting on my end table so it doesn't spill- and they squeeze in between us, somehow all four of us managing to fit in my bed.

They each reach for the two medium sized bouquets, handing one to me first.

"We chose you because in the short time we've known you, you took us in and take care of us. You became our legal guardian even though you're only a few years older than us," Gemma explain with a smile, leaning into me as I wrap and arm around her.

"You love us and make sure we have what we need, just like a mom should." Mae reaches over Gemma to join the hug.

I kiss their heads and they move to face Rosalie, handing her the other bouquet.

"Esme helped pick it out, we weren't sure what kind of flowers you liked

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"Esme helped pick it out, we weren't sure what kind of flowers you liked." Maeve blushes.

"We also chose you because although you've known us for a very short amount of time, you quickly adjusted into a parental role. You always check on us to make sure we're okay, make sure we have lunch at school, you're there if we need to talk." Rosalie's eyes  water, the actual tears not being able to fall. I grab her hand and squeeze tightly. Rosalie has always wanted children, it was a part of why she hated what she was for so long. I could easily see that what Gemma and Maeve were telling her really meant a lot.

"Thank you both so much." She lets go of my hand to be able to wrap both arms around them.

"Okay, so, we know that you can't eat human food so we arranged for you and Esme to go hunting together tonight." Maeve smiles as Gemma hands me my food tray filled with pancakes and fruits.

I start to eat my pancakes as Maeve happily rambles about how long it took them to pick out the flowers, wanting them to be perfect for each of us.

"Hey, why don't we go pick out some flowers to put out in the yard? I'm sure we can find some that do well in the rain." I smile.

"We can go as soon as Isabella's done with her breakfast. Why don't you girls start getting ready?" Rosalie adds on.

I chuckle as they practically run out of the room in their excitement. Maeve more so than Gemma, she's always loved flowers. Anything nature related, really.

I finish up my food and get changed into some skinny jeans and a white v neck. Rosalie was already dressed, wearing a yellow floral sundress with tan sandals.

"Hey, girls!" I call out from the hallway. "Would you mind Esme tagging along?" I ask them.

"Of course not!"

I smile and call Esme, letting her know that she can come with us-agreeing on her meeting us there.


I get out of Rosalie's car and am immediately pulled into a hug by Esme.

"Happy Mother's Day." I smile into her shoulder.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She pulls back from the hug with a smile.

"I got us a cart thing." Maeve grins, pulling a cart behind her.

"Okay, lets start looking around then." Rosalie smiles, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together.

We spent the rest of the day planting all of the flowers we bought before heading over to the Cullen's for dinner where of course we were the only ones eating but it didn't matter, we were surround by family.

This was super short but I had the idea and my brain ran with it. It's not edited yet so I'm sorry for any mistakes, I wanted to get it posed before it wasn't Mother's Day anymore lol.

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